Chapter 34

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The sound of music woke up Nandini. She sat up on the bed. "What is the time", she mumbled and picked up her phone.

It was 5 in the evening. Oh God, she had the shift from 3. She was now so gone. She quickly came out of the bed and beside the bed lamp, Manik had left a note.

Nandini smiled seeing the note..... Old times...

Ah! So finally you are up. I am going out for a meeting.... And will be late. So don't stay up. I have also called the store regarding your absence And I have asked mom to come over my place to help you with Mannat. So you may find a mad lady in the house, just don't get freaked out cause that would be my mom.
Love you,

Nandini smiled at the description given by her monster about his mom. Really Mad Woman, Nandini chuckled to herself. She got out of the bed and headed out. She followed the sound of the music that was coming from the kitchen.

Nandini reached there and a lady in her fifties was preparing something and enjoying herself with the rhythm of the sound. Nandini cleared her throat to get her attention and Nyonika turned around with a wide smile on her face.

"Hey, Nandu.... You are up?", she asked merrily.

"Ah... Yes. Aunty so where's Mannat.", Nandini asked hesitantly.

"She is in her bed. Want to have something..... Manik told you skipped lunch, and skipping meals now, is a bad idea", Nyonika said lowering down the music.

"I just overslept... And yes I am famished", Nandini admitted.

"Just wait for a few minutes and I will serve you the best food you ever had", and she laughed.... Nandini too joined her. Never did she imagine that Manik would have such a carefree and happy mom.

Nyonika seemed so jolly, always talking, listening to songs, living life to the fullest everyday..... As if there is no tomorrow.

Nandini wished she could become like her. She admired her as Nyonika softly sang to herself while preparing food for Nandini.

Soon Nandini had a bowl of hot chicken stew in front of her. She took her first bite and it was amazing......

"Its amazing, aunty... No wonder Manik cooks so well", Nandini replied.

"Really, he cooks?", Nyonika asked a bit surprised.

"Yeah... He does. And his dishes are mouthwatering.", Nandini said.

"That's news.....", Nyonika replied a bit amused.

"You really changed him, for good", Nyonika added.

Nandini looked at her and asked," Changed?".

"Yes.... Manik. He is a lot better now, than what he was. After he had to leave his music and all, he always remained cranky, shouting but after Mannat, he calmed a bit. And then you, it left him off guard. Guess he loves you a lot.", Nyonika confessed.

Nandini was really loving the open chat that they were having. It was just like a mother daughter chat.....

"Yes, he loves me a lot. But I am the one who messes up everything. Leaving him and hurting him. But he never leaves my side..... I just feel like I don't deserve him.", Nandini admitted.

"I can't agree you on that. You completely deserve my son.", Nyonika assured her and sat beside her.

"He had never been so patient with anything, not even with his music. He just let it go, threw it away from his life.... But see, he keeps coming around for you. He still has the hope... Just don't let it die. And I want my coming grandson to have the most amazing parents in the world. So sort this out before he comes.", Nyonika patted her back and Nandini smiled at her comment.

Suddenly something clicked Nandini and she asked Nyonika,
"Aunty, why did he leave music?".

"He had to get into the business, and had to settle down, after marrying Soha....he didn't had much choice, then.", Nyonika replied.

"Oh...", Nandini felt sad for Manik. She knew it was tough for him and she made a mental note to ask him about this and help him out.

Her thoughts were broken as Mannat came to the room rubbing her eyes. She had just got out of the bed.

Nyonika went to her and picked her up. "Manni, wakey wakey." And she pecked her cheeks.

"Granny whal ale you doing herl", Mannat asked looking at her grandmom.

"Came to visit my darling", Nyonika replied.

"Wherl isg daddy", Mannat asked looking around for her daddy dear.

"Baby...he ", Nandini was cut off by Manik.

"I am here pumpkin", Manik replied as he entered smiling at Mannat.

Mannat opened her arms to go to him and wriggled out of Nyonika's arms.
Manik took her in his arms but slightly winced in pain.

Nandini looked at him and so did Nyonika. He had covered his hands with the full sleeves and that was unusual as he liked to keep them folded.

"Manik are you okay?", Nyonika asked.

"Yeah I am fine....", Manik replied but his body stiffened as soon as Nyonika touched his back and he moved back in reflex.

Nandini could tell he was lying. She got up and went to him. "Manik what happened? Are you hurt?", and Manik saw that both of them were staring at him and now the little one too was looking at him.

He handed Mannat to Nyonika and said," I just fell, down and hurt my back a little.".

"Show!", Nandini went for his shirt but Manik moved back.

"Not in front of Mannat.", Manik replied.

"Mannat please go, granny and I need to talk to dad.", Nandini asked softly and Mannat obeyed leaving the trio.

Manik now had no escape. He took off his shirt and turned towards them.

Both of then gasped as they saw Manik's arms and back was bruised with cuts and marks.

"Where the hell did you go?", Nyonika asked in a concerned voice as she neared to him and touched his arms lightly.

"You said, you fell, but this cuts are not from falling. Its from some sharp objects", Nandini raised her brows and looked up at him, as she was doing up the puzzle.

"I went to meet Rishab", Manik replied slowly waiting for her response.......

"What?", Nandini shouted shocked to hear what Manik said.

See guys couldn't stop from updating. So wrote it.

Hope you like it. And do leave your comments....

And I may be back soon. :-)

Till then Happy Reading.

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