I guess heartbreak isn't enough torture

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The calming sound of the waves. Soft sand all around me. I opened my eyes and immediately squinted as a result of the bright sun shining into my eyes. I could really use a pair of sunglasses now, I thought. And then I knew it was a dream, I don't know how, I don't know why, but I just felt it. This was a dream. I shut my eyes tight and focused all my thoughts on a pair of sunglasses appearing. Stupid I know, I just had to try. I cautiously opened my eyes, and wow, I was know wearing my favorite sunglasses. I got up and looked around. The beach was abandoned except for a lady in her late thirties sitting at the edge of the water.

I hesitantly approached her, "Hello?"

She turned around and smiled,not just any smile, no, the smile of a mother when she sees her kids, "You're up."

"Who are you?" I questioned. I've never had a dream about my mother before, and I didn't want to start now. It would just bring up all these feelings I've been fighting to hide. It's not fair, I would have her again, only to be snatched away after a couple of minutes. No, I will not dream about my mother.

"I think you already know who I am," She answered.

       *     *      *      *

"Can't keep my hands to myself, no matter how hard I'm trying to," my alarm started at 7:00 a.m. ,"I want you all to myself, my metaphorical...." The phone rang, interrupting my favorite song, I checked the caller ID and saw Jake's name flash across the screen. I declined the call and was greeted by about 100 messages/ missed calls from Jake.

Aqua, I'm sorry

I didn't realise what I was doing

Aqua please,

I didn't mean it, I really didn't know what was going on.

I know you're hurt and I genuinely had feelings for you, just not that way.

Aqua, I miss you.

Pls just talk to me.

Ignoring the messages was easy, so was pretending like everything was okay, but for once I wasn't gonna put up a strong front.

Aqua, I know you read the messages, please don't ignore me.

Jake listen, I'm really hurt, so maybe just give me some time. Maybe you didn't realize what you were doing,but you did lead me on, and now i have to get rid of these feelings b4 i can see you again, otherwise it will be humilating and painful. I'm sorry about the kiss, it was a mistake, but for now just please leave me alone, I'll contact you when I'm ready.

Aqua?! *Pleading emoji*

Jake, I'm serious.

FINE.*Mad emoji*


I locked my phone, threw it at an armchair nearby in frustration, and got up to take a shower.

The hot water flowed from the showerhead and onto my cold body, warming it up instantly and as it dripped away, it felt like it was carrying all my worries and sadness down the drain. I stood there and tried to enjoy the moment, it's not that often that one feels this good. In fact, I haven't felt this good in ages, actually, since the day I met Jake and thought I had a chance with him. I grimaced at the thought. That was just two days ago, and so much has changed: Sasha-unsurprisingly- has a new boyfriend-Caleb. Claire developed a crush on Jason. I met a boy who was devishly handsome, a gentleman, someone worthy of trust, fun, hot, and the list goes on and on. I fell for him, period. I've never been that devastated over a boy but something about him was special. Recalling what happened, it dawned on me that maybe, just maybe, I had finally fallen in love. The feeling is amazing, and this was somewhat like a fairytale -I mean, again, they were only two days- but alas, it ended in disaster. All these bottled up feelings rose to the surface, and I did not know what to think. Who's in the wrong? Who's in the Right? It was so jumbled up.

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