My knight in shining armor

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Leaning against the hood of his car was silhouette guy, staring at me intently, studying me

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Leaning against the hood of his car was silhouette guy, staring at me intently, studying me. I stood in my place, frozen out of fear, unable to run, nowhere to hide. Memories and horrifying situations flashed before my eyes. Locked up, starved, beaten to death,, slammed doors, gunshots,

"Hey Aqua, miss me?" silhouette guy's voice broke through my day-mare (get it? Day-dream, day-nightmare, no ok.) I took a step back, attempting to place as much distance between us.

"Answer me, you little bitch!" he said with a snarl yet keeping his tone eerily calm.

"llllll-lll-ll-leave me alone," I muttered quietly.He slapped me, and the force of it knocked me off my feet.

"Not the right answer," he hissed. I cowered as a ball on the floor while he beat me again and again, creating bruises all over my body. "You thought I was gone? Ha, you'll never get rid of me." A car pulled up across the street and I mentally prayed that whoever it was would stop to help me. A boy my age stepped out of the car and ran towards me, already calling the police.

"This is not over," he whispered, and after a final slap, got into his car and drove away. The newcomer approached and I eyed him warily, still not letting my guard down. I attempted to stand up, but my knees bucked under me and I fell forward. He caught me murmuring, "You're badly hurt, let me take you home." He carried me, but I pushed him away consequently falling to the floor- it hurt everywhere. I hated anyone to see me like this: beaten, hurt, scared, tired. Helpless.
I looked up and froze, "Evan?!"

He looked down and realization hit him like a truck, "Aqua? Omg, are you okay? What happened? I was going home and saw a girl being beat up by this man, i had to help. I didnt realize it was you. I... um..... Are you okay?!"

"Wow, this is a never reoccurring moment about to go down in history, Evan speechless," I gave a small laugh and tried to stand up, only to crash back down onto the ground."I think I sprained an ankle, I can't really move it. A little help here?" I suggested.

"Do you ever stop cracking jokes? I dont think i've ever seen you serious." He replied as he bent down and carried me bridal style. His warm arms engulfed my aching body and only then i realized just how much I had missed him.

I put my arms around his neck and buried my face against his shoulder, "God, I missed you so much. What happened to Iceland?"

"I missed you more, and we came back last week-for good this time" He set me down and we got into his car. In true Evan fashion, he immeditely started driving over the speed limit

"Who there, and aren't you gonna ask me for my address?" I teased.

"Do you really think I need to?" he retorted with a serious expression. Evan and I had been friends since birth, our moms were best friends. He was the only person there for me during my mom's death - other than my dad. We "dated" a while in middle school but i broke up with him in 7th grade. His family moved to Iceland in the beginning of highschool and we lost touch.
I eyed him lazily, my eyes travelling up and down his athletic body. It was really him, the same poop coloured eyes (his words not mine) and tousled dark hair. I flushed as he turned around and caught me staring, "Checking me out already, huh?"
"Shut up," embarrassed, I turned to the road as we pulled up to my house. Evan hopped out of the car and opened the door for me like the gentleman he is. I stiffled a laugh at the thought of him as a gentleman.

"C'mon," He carries me bridal-style with my backpack over his shoulder all the way to the door- maybe I spoke to soon. I snap out of my daze as Sasha's car pulls up to my driveway .Evan drops me and I give him a kiss on the cheek whispering, "My knight in shining armor." He smiles at our inside joke and grips my arm to steady me.

"Aqua, I'm so sorry. I did not have....." Claire starts. She stops mid-sentence and slowly turns to Evan."Ummmm.... Evan, right?" She asks, a look of confusion settling on her face. He gives a small wave and says, "Ya, you're Claire. You're in my AP english class." We all stand there in an awkward silence until Sasha speaks up, "What the hell happened? Why are you so hurt?"

"Do I really look that bad?" I challenge.

"I mean, just a couple of bruises and scratches," She squirms. I give a small laugh and sit down, motioning for them to do the same. Once we've all settled down, I clear my throat and tell Evan to tell them what happened. He explains his part of the story.

"Aqua, is this the same guy from the beach?" Claire hesitantly asks. I nod and the color drains from Claire and Sasha's faces whereas Evan just looks confused.

"Aqua, if he's stalking you or something we should tell the police." Sasha says.

"I already did. It won't work. He's always going to be there to haunt me." I inform them.

"If this happened before, I know you might not want to talk about it, but he looks really dangerous, so you kinda have no choice."

"Very nice, Sash" I say sarcastically. I take a deep breath as they hold theirs and I hastily prepare myself mentally for what I'm about to confess. "He's my uncle"


Cliffhanger! Don't worry, you'll get answers soon. so what do you think of evan. Do you maybe wanna see some (Insert ship name for Jake and Aqua) action, cuz there might be, wink,wink. Anyways, dont be a silent reader and comment what you would like to see next. Also vote if you liked the chapter and keep up since I promise this time that i'll update more. Till next time, XoXo -Aya

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