Stalkers and creeps

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The bell rang beckoning the end of the school day. Relieved that I had survived the day, I ran out the school doors inhaling  fresh air. I ducked my head and moved out of the way -I didn't have a death wish- waiting for Sasha and Claire.
"Hey, " Ingrid startled me.
I laughed it off. "You know, people are not very eager about getting creeped up on," I said matter of factly.
She clutched her chest in mock offence, " I am no creep, if anything you were too caught up in your thoughts. C'mon," she beckoned to her car, " how about you tell me what's bothering you as I drive you home?"
"Um, I'll have to pass, sorry, but I'm waiting for Sasha and Claire"
"Well can I at least get your number?" She asked hopefully.
"Sure." Too focused in exchanging numbers, I didn't feel Sasha and Claire tiptoeing towards me.
"Boo," Sasha said as Claire clasped her hands down to my shoulders.
I shrugged them off, "Wow, very mature. Seriously, does anyone in this school know how to approach someone from in front."
"See, that is creeping up on you, I just simply happened to be behind you," Ingrid attempted. We burst into a fit of giggles causing some passerbys to give us a weird look.
"Anyways, I gotta get going," Ingrid said, waved her hand, then got into her car and drove away. As we walked across the parking lot my phone buzzed signaling that I've received a text message.
"Who from?" Claire asked.
"Jake," I sighed, "he's been texting me non-stop all day." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and handed to Claire so she could see for herself.
"Stop complaining," Sasha scolded, "he might be gay, but he's still crazy about you."
"I don't know, I mean he only knew you for two days, now he's texting you non-stop after he broke your heart. Why does he care so much? I know I won't. There's something weird going on here. Aqua, I think you should block him and stay away," Claire accused Jake.
"Aren't you overreacting a bit," Sasha said.
"So you're calling Jake a stalker!" I told Claire.
She obviously heard the annoyance in my voice. "No,no,no Aqua, I'm just saying you should keep your distance because you know, don't you think it's weird I mean he could be........." Claire trailed on.
"What! What Claire! He might be dangerous! A stalker! Hmm, I know, he might be a serial killer!" I shouted.
" I'm just trying to help, you're my best friend. I'm looking out for you," Claire excused herself.
"No Claire, you're not. You're accusing Jake of stalking me! And you know what, I don't need your help, ok, I'm not five, I can take care of myself!"

"You know what, I think I'm in the mood for some fresh air. Go on without me, I'll walk home." I turned around and headed to the sidewalk.

"Aqua, don't be silly, your house is nowhere within walking distance!" Claire uselessly yelled at me. Ignoring her, I attempted- yet failed miserably- to calm down and clear my head as I walked on realizing that I had made a stupid decision. No backing out now, I thought steadying myself for the long walk. Popping my headphones in and humming along to my favorite songs helped time fly by, and before I knew it I had already covered half the distance. As I turned the corner I froze, immediately regretting my descision.

"Shit," I habitually muttered under my breath. His head swivelled to where I was standing, and there he was, sillhouette guy, staring right at me. Too frightened to move, I stared right back. He just stood there, leaning against the hood of his car, watching me, studying my next move.

Finally, he broke the silence, "Hey Aqua, remember me,"

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