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I started walking towards Naisha, it felt like crossing shores after what I was about to ask and keeping in my mind that everybody else is also present here. I rememberd Harshit's words, "it's easy to spot her guy", but the mess just got worse.

I saw that Adnaan was standing with her and not Akash. As I further walked and  reach enough close to them, Adnaan saw me and started to walk away before I shouted, "Adnaan Stop."

I was getting behind him but Naisha caught my wrist and said, "Garv, wait."

I wanted to stop because talking to Adnaan  won't result in a calm conversation while talking with Naisha could really calm me down but Naisha didn't stop me to tell me something good.

Naisha said, "Garv, I wouldn't have talked to you after what you said to me yesterday if you were not such a good friend."
Before we could have continued her best-friend popped in, Vani, this girl laughs even on PJs and I doubt her schedule must be like laugh-eat-sleep-repeat, anyway, she was wearing a nice blue lehenga and asked Naisha, "where's Mr lucky?"

I tried to drop a bomb, "apart from what someone was denying yesterday, even I didn't spot Akash today."

Vani nodded and replied to me, "where did Akash came in this? I was asking about Adnaan."

"Ah what", I asked but before I could ask further, Naisha lightly touched my chest as a gesture of stopping me and asked Vani to excuse us for a moment which is not a very common action from Naisha. Vani, laughed, which was not funny but left after it.

"You blamed me yesterday not for a relationship but for a relationship with Akash, I denied what you asked", Naisha said to me.

I replied, "and what does that mean?"

She continued, "Adnaan... ", but just after hearing the word, the complete story came in my mind. The relationship was never about Naisha and Akash, it was about Naisha and Adnaan, Avni wasn't happy discussing Naisha because she was in a relationship, rather it involved Adnaan. I don't know what made Adnaan so desperate that first he proposed our best-friend, Avni and then the girl who loves me, Sanika though it was pretty obvious that she was not gonna accept but at last Naisha, the girl whom I love, the worst choice of Adnaan. Forget bro-code, he messed up even respect which you give atleast to a stranger.

I interrupted Avni, "it doesn't matter, i don't care about you story and how you are gonna defense yourself. The main thing is that you didn't accept two guys who are madly in love with you but rather chose a third one who just proposed two girls before getting hands on you and worse part is that you accepted."

It was the perfect time, luckily that Sanika placed her hand around my shoulder and said, "love, let's go and get something to eat."

"Maybe I made one right choice today after two wrong ones", I whispered to Naisha and started to move back. I thought at this point that Sanika was a right choice compared to Yogita and Naisha. Getting this from Naisha was really heartbreaking as Naisha knew my story with Yogita; except name but she always said that Garv, I couldn't even imagine hurting you. This girl broke my trust knowing I trust few.

"Ah Adnaan and her relation, was trying to sort some mess", I replied to question raised my Sanika and I made sure I was loud enough to make sure Naisha gets it. On the way on getting something to eat, I explained Sanika what was this Adnaan case involving her, Naisha and Avni.

We ordered a plate of chilly potato, really, I just love eating this chinese snack. We were eating chance after chance just by one fork which according to Sanika was cute and best was no was there on the table except us to watch me doing this stupidity. Anyway, while I was having a nice time with Sanika, I also spotted Yogita with her boyfriend but what was more strange was that they were coming towards us. I don't know why I was getting nervous but I gripped my hand more hardly on Sanika's to which she replied, "alright this is the first time you are showing this appreciable initiative but that hurts."

They came to us, Yogita sat on third and the last chair available on the table while her boyfriend was dragging a chair from anothr table, "i wanna talk", she said.

"Guess what, I don't. I am not in a mood of being played another time", I replied.

"Please, its important for you, I respect you and your love for me thatswhy I wanna tell you this", she said.

I froze for a second after she said that love thing in front on Sanika and I could just imagine a look on her face and too put myself in the safe-boat I answered, "yes, I really love you and you are a great friend but I have some trust issues with you."

Her boyfriend joined us at this  moment. Well, I gotta thank this friend and love combination, it saved me today. I really shot two targets with the same bullet, said love to Yogita and defended myself from Sanika but even caring about Yogita should not be my matter of concern now.

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