Chapter 1 - Beginning

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    I finished my paragraph and as soon as I threw it into the basket, the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and shoved everything inside, and then bolted out the door. Finally, the end of the day. I grabbed my things from my locker, gave Angie a hug, and then headed for the bus. As I was walking to my bus, I bumped into a guy with caramel chocolate, creamy eyes, dreamy golden hair, and the body of an angel. His jawline was molded beautifully and his structure was perfectly flawless.

        "Hey!" He said. His voice was beautiful.

        "H-hi..." I rearranged my bag on my shoulder.

        "I'm Justin. And you are...?" He knitted his big, perfect eyebrows.

        "I'm Natalie, you can call me Nattie. N-nice to meet you." I held out my small hand, and he shook it gracefully with his soft, warm, perfect hands.

        "Nice to meet you, Nattie," He winked. "I'm new here. I've seen you out in your front yard. I live across from you, the big beige mansion. Could you show me around the city? I don't know my way around." He giggled.

        "Yeah! Of course.. Lets go!" I smiled and started walking around to the side of the school, to the sidewalk of the busy streets

        "You are really beautiful..." He blushed at me as I looked straight ahead.

        "Really?" I mumbled, trying to focus on the sidewalk.

        "Really." He smiled crookedly at me and took my hand. The feeling of our hands swaying, his warm fingers heating my cold ones, felt amazing. I felt so safe with him. Even though I'd just met him.

        "Okay... I'm gonna take you to a shop over here," I pointed to a small, cute store. "Cause I need some new high tops." I kicked my foot in front of him, almost hitting him. He stared at my rugged, ripped, and dirty red high tops.

        "Whoa.." He smiled at me as we walked into the shop. I grabbed my wallet and gave it to him. I was staring at some really cute green ones when one of the workers approached me, holding a shoe box. They were the green high tops, in my correct size.

        "Excuse me miss, but someone has paid for your shoes, and these are the ones." She gave me a small grin and began to walk away. I grabbed her shoulder lightly and she turned around, surprised.

        "Wait...who?" I stammered.

        "Anonymous." She continued to walk.

        "But...wait, so these are... free?" I gazed at the beautiful shoes, all mine, free! She sighed and turned around slowly.

        "Yes." She left me standing there in shock. I peeked inside the box and grinned. Who could have done something so sweet? I turned around, searching for Justin. He was leaning in the door frame, waiting patiently.

        "Hey Justin, someone got me new shoes, the ones I wanted! Isn't that so cute?" I happily bounced up and down.

        "Yeah, that is cute. Lets go eat something though, I'm hungry." He took my bag and we walked to a cute coffee shop together, hand in hand. When we arrived, I saw Justin hand the cashier his credit card, mumble something, and then walk to an empty table. Was he paying for us? I could tell he knew what I was thinking, and he smiled devilishly. He gestured for me to come over, and then pulled out a chair for me.

    A skinny, tall, beautiful blonde walked over to us and gave me a dirty look.

        "How can I help you." She groaned.

        "I'll have a burger with potato chips, and a coke.'' Justin said, handing her the menus.

        "I'll have the chicken caesar salad, with a light lemonade." I said, trying to sound nice. She took the menus quickly.

        "That'll go with that muffin top." She mumbled under her breath, staring at my hips. She walked away, smiling slyly. Justin's eyes widened and he gave me an angry look. My eyes began to water, and I held my head. I looked away from him, and tried to hold it in. But I couldn't. Tears began to stream down my face, and soon enough, my cheeks were red and sore. I ran out of the cafe and started speed walking up the street. I dialed Angie's number.


        "Angie can you come pick me up? I-I'm at Kyle's Coffee." I sniffed.

        "Be right there babe." She hung up and I shoved my phone in my back pocket. When I started rubbing my red eyes, I felt two strong arms wrap around me. I knew it was Justin, but I didn't want to look him in the eyes. I was a mess. Angie's car pulled up and I hopped in. I gave Justin a quick wave, and then we drove off. I saw him crumble on the sidewalk from the distance. But I couldn't even hold myself together right now. Let alone Justin.

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