50 questions

166 13 16

I got tagged by granola-bar (THAAANKSS) And it's basically some sort of facts thing.
I'd like to tag alineyaacoub01 , ForgetfulTomorrow and Zayns_badgirlxox :) and if anyone else would like to do it consider yourself tagged by me!!

1. Name: Fabienne Semaan. (heh)
2. Height: 1.60 cms / 5'2
3. Weight: 49 kgs / 108 Lb.
4. Age: Sexteen *moon emoji*
5. Birthday: 9/11 (yes I'm serious)
6. Girl bff: Does myself count? no? kay.
7. Guy bff: Ethan. duh.
8. Crush: What makes you think I'll tell you ;) ;) (I don't have one lol)
9. Ever fall in love: no and I don't intend to :))))
11. Last text: It was to my delegate, he wrote my name wrong so I sent him a text saying "Starbucks is that you?"
12. Battery percentage: 42 hehh.
13. Eye color: Luscious fluorescent green orbs ;)))
14. Addiction: Kissing my friend a bit too much sometimes oops
15. Favorite song: Can't tell cause there's too many. But Love is a laserquest by arctic monkeys is sort of relatable rn so...
16. Favorite animal: Kittens.
17. Favorite Color: Black, also dark red, and burgundy, gray and all shades of blue.
18. Shoe size: 6 (women)
19. Sing in the shower: almost always.
20. One Wish: to get unlimited wishes.
21. Best time in your life: Global Village, probably.
22. Country you live in: Lebanon.
23. Pets: idk I have so many cats i forgot to count them
24. Plan on getting married: Most likely no.
25. Favorite subject: Philosophy and History .
26. First Kiss: Somewhere in September ;)
27. Insecure: most of the time yes.
28. Ever self harmed: Yes. and Almost 8 months clean. (if you ever did and you need to talk to anyone feel free to message me, I'll always listen.)
29. Who you love: My grandpas .
30. Miss anyone: *ponders* Yeah a lot of people actually.
31. Hair color: light brown.
32. Relationship status: SIINGLEE
33. Last song you heard: Fake you out by twenty one pilots.
34. Biggest fear: Treason I guess also the dark... and deep water..
35. Believe in ghost: yeah. idk
36. Something you hate: Backstabbing and asking me for nudes.
37. Favorite TV show: I have no time for series but once in summer I watched the office, we're the millers and parks and recreations and they're awesome.
38. Favorite movie: Aside with the hobbit and the lord of the rings, I adore the pianist.
39. Favorite book: idk so many but I guess rn its the girl on the train by paula hawkins.
40. Favorite food: I TOLD YOU ITS FRIES.
41. Jealous of: Pretty girls that caught the attention of someone I adore </3
42. Star sign: Virgo af.
43. Middle name: It's my dad's name which is Chahid which literally means Martyr in arabic :)
44. Worst Habbit: Other than being too sensitive, bitting my nails and getting attached to someone. Also over thinking.
45. Number of siblings: 1.
46, Name of Sibling: Fiorelle.
47. Sports you play: Nothing really I suck.
48. Talents: Writing and fucking shit up.
49. Embarassing moment: There was this one time I had this huge crush on this man, and he was throwing this party at his house so like I drank too much idk I woke up in his bedroom (I don't remember abything else). When I see him I throw up and I start calling for mom, then I passed out. But when I woke my whole family was around me and dad was hell worried. :) My crush never spoke or looked at me ever again :) I told you I'm great at fucking up lol.
50. Future carrier choice: Writer, interpreter and psychologist :)

Thanks for reading!

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