"Money can't buy happiness"

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This one time I had a full blown debate in english class with the teacher and a student about this one saying : "money can't buy happiness".

In my opinion it's bullshit.
Money can buy you things that would satisty you.
Tell me, when did you see a poor, starving family happy or satisfied?
Money can't buy you love, yeah that one is true but when you can buy anything you need, I'm pretty sure you'll be satisfied.

As a child I was pretty spoiled, and I used to get everything I desired. Now, due to some idiotic mistakes my dad made our economical state shifted and my dad has to work several jobs (his main one is during the summer and it pays everything for the year but because of few things well the money had to go for that thing)
And it's been two years I swear I've been through the worst times.
Like I was not used to this ever. In fact just seeing my dad made me feel bad and I hated everything.
I forgot what my main idea was but to me, money buys happiness.

What about you? I'd love to know your opinions.

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