My 2016 Resolution

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because why not.

1. Stop being so fucking shy.
2. Maybe eat less junk.
3. Stop hanging around people I feel uncomfy around.
4. Maybe yeah become close to my classmates.
5. Have more guy friends.
6. To come out to mom.
7. Staying clean.
8. Listening more to 80's bands
9. Know more about my grandpa.
10. Stop crying whenever I'm mad.
11. Try to accept the fact that I will not always get what I want.
12. Save up more money for some trip where I can treat myself like the queen I am.
13. Being more social.
14. Learn to play any instrument.
15. Go to the gym
16. Join some acting classes.
17. Talk to a psychologist.
18. Teach my fam that it's okay to study literatture.
19. Have more sassy snaps.
20. Don't get attached to people.
21. Don't get attached to people.
22. Read more books.
23. Stop bitting my nails.
24. Learn to craft things.
25. Enhance my spanish.
26. Care less.
27. Devote more time to writing.
28. Maybe yeah convince mom to make an actual copy of my poetry book.
29. Beg uncle for a new laptop.
30. Don't suck dick fab don't.
32. Compliment people more.
33. Yes, again, to stop biting my nails.
34. Buy cute nail polish.
35. Maybe to stop crushing over Adrien Brody cause he's three times my age.
36. Maybe prepare myself to the fact that I'll graduate in 2017.
37. Enhance my driving skills.
38. Spend as much time as possible with my other grandpa.
39. Accept the fact that my grandpa will die one day.
40. To have a youtube chanel.
41. Maybe Starbucks will get my name right this time.

So yeah I guess that was mine, what's yours?? tell me about it in the comments!!

(Early) Happy New Year!!

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