Chapter 1: Reunion

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There is something in this world which no one has ever seen.

It is soft and sweet.

If it is spotted, I'm sure everyone will want to have it...

Which is why no one has ever seen it...

For this world has hidden it quite well, so that it is difficult to obtain...

But, there will come a day when it is discovered by somebody...

And only those who should obtain it will be able to find it.

That is all.


The intense stare that Ryuuji gave Taiga left her staring cautiously.  Her eyes were glistening, she was looking up to Ryuuji as she desperately waited for the words she longed for, the words that would lighten up her entire world in an instant, the words with the power to change the fate of humans, the three simple words with more meaning than words can explain.  However, Ryuuji stood silently staring down into the Tiger's eyes, flinching at every sound that could be heard, as if he was expecting the enchanted words to come to him first.  The impatient Tiger started to shuffle her foot around the floor, lightening her piercing gaze at the Dragon's eyes.

Taiga let out a sigh which broke the silence in an instant.  The Dragon took advantage of the chance and took a deep breath.

"I love you."

Ryuuji spoke without hesitation.  Taiga gasped and shivered a little bit.

Taiga thought to herself.  W-What the hell?  He couldn't even wait for the right moment to say such a... a... b-bold statement!!!

Taiga lowered her sweating face as she drowned in embarrassment.  Her pure face glowed red as she stared at the ground, her eyes wide open.  After she cooled down, she narrowed her eyes and lifted her head to face Ryuuji in the face.  An evil grin was painted onto the Tiger's face.  Ryuuji took an instinctive step backwards in reaction to the intimidating growl of the Tiger.  Another awkward silence built up.  Again, Taiga broke the silence, this time with a little giggle.  The giggle turned into a chuckle.  The chuckle soon turned into a hysterical laugh.

"Gosh... Ryuuji... You just couldn't wait for the right moment, right?  Fine then, I see how it is.  T-Then...  I'll tell you something too...  I... L-Love you too, Ryuuji!"

Taiga stuttered, making her seem all the more cuter to Ryuuji.  He gave himself a relieved face.  All the time that Ryuuji was separated from Taiga, every day, every hour, every minute, every second, he was thinking of Taiga and Taiga only.  His battle against the temptation to beat his Dragon wings and hunt her down was the toughest and cruelest battle he had ever faced.  Nothing else could compare to the unbearable pain that Ryuuji faced for such a long time period, the everlasting ache in the stomach, the only pain that medicine couldn't heal.

Ryuuji, who had regained his confidence in the connection between the Dragon and the Tiger, shifted his hand towards Taiga.  He no longer shook in the fear of being rejected.  Taiga felt the warmth of the hand as it landed softly onto her head.  She swiftly closed her eyes in pleasure.  The hearts of the two began to pound.  Ryuuji leaned over a little, so his head was only a little higher than Taiga's.  They stared into each others eyes as their hearts raced faster than their thought process.  Seconds later, their cold lips connected, warming the other up instantly.  Ryuuji wrapped his arms around Taiga and held her tightly, whilst keeping up the kiss.  Taiga followed by clutching onto Ryuuji's neck with her arms, almost strangling him.  He didn't seem to mind.  The two enjoyed their short moment together which seemed to last forever.

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