Chapter 14: A Decision

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After the incident with the unnamed man, there was complete silence around the Takasu household's table.  Eyes were narrowed, brows were furrowed, lips were sealed.

Taiga was sat next to Ryuuji and opposite to Yasuko.  She glanced around the table but hesitated to open her mouth or even look at the other two directly, despite being curious of the situation.  Yasuko's head was tilted downwards, her eyes staring down at her hands as she fiddled with her fingers.  She shuffled around in an attempt to sit carefully but ended up constantly fidgeting.  Ryuuji's eyes were drifting curiously and his sight landed on Yasuko and picked up her strange movements.

"Why won't she say anything?"  Ryuuji thought to himself.  "Is it because of who that man really is?  Is he who I think he is?  Is he... my..."

Concluding his thoughts and building his confidence, Ryuuji takes a small breath and prepares to question Yasuko.  Before he can even get a sound out, Yasuko speaks with a slight waver in her voice.

"I think it's better if I told you the truth... about that excuse of a man.  Ryuu-chan... He's... He's your..."


Yasuko was left on her own at the table after Ryuuji retreated to his room and Taiga followed.  Ryuuji's eyes looked more intimidating than they did naturally as he stood in front of his closed door.  As Ryuuji began his rant, Taiga stood in surprise.

"I had a feeling it was my dad but I didn't want to admit it..."  He  furrowed his brows.  "I didn't want to accept the fact that he came back."  He ground his teeth.  " I mean...  He just wants to walk into my life when he's been absent since before I was even born?  That's so selfish!"  He clenched his fists.  "I just can't...!"

He was stopped in his tracks by two warm arms being aggressively wrapped around his waist.  After being given a moment to calm down, his face lightened and he embraced Taiga back.

"Are you calm now, Ryuuji?"  Taiga whispered as she stared gently into Ryuuji's eyes.  He simply replies with a nod.  "Good boy, now sit."  She said as she smirked.

"Are you treating me like a dog now?"  Ryuuji complained as he sat down on the floor.  Taiga proceeded to sit directly opposite of him.  Her smirk evolved into a short giggle at his words.

Taiga reached out and intertwined her fingers with his and their hands rested upon their legs.  She gently rubbed his hands with her fingers as she began to speak again.

"You need to think calmly about what you want to do.  Getting all worked up won't get you anywhere, right?"

"Right..."  Ryuuji replied after a short pause.  "He said he's changed...  Can I really believe that?  Do I give him the chance to prove it?"

"It's up to you, Ryuuji."  Taiga replied as she raised their hands off of their legs and into the space between them.  She released her hands from his and grabbed his hands from the outside before leaning her head against them.  "No matter what you choose to do though, Ryuuji, I'll be right by your side."  Ryuuji couldn't help himself and a smile was formed on his face.  Taiga lifted her head slightly and pressed her lips against his hands.

"Thank you, Taiga..."  Ryuuji said.  "I love you."  He leaned his body forward a bit.

"Me too, Ryuuji."  Taiga whispered as she lowered their hands and leaned forward as well.  Their faces grew closer and closer until they were only a couple centimetres apart.  Ryuuji took the initiative and closed the gap between their lips.  Their eyes slowly closed simultaneously.  Taiga gripped Ryuuji's hands tighter as the kiss continued.  Eventually, Ryuuji broke his hands free and joined hands with Taiga once again.  After a long few seconds, their lips separated.  However their heads did not move apart.  Instead, they rested their foreheads against each others.

"I think I'll give my dad one chance."  Ryuuji decided.  "Just one."  Taiga smiled broadly and closed her eyes in acceptance of his choice.

The tiger and dragon continued to rest their foreheads together before the tiger perked her head up in realisation.

"How are you going to meet up with your dad?  We don't know where he is and I doubt he'll be coming back here after what happened with Ya-chan."

Ryuuji raised an eyebrow.

"Well... If he really has changed he wouldn't give up so easily, right?  In that case he can prove it to me by coming back."

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