Chapter 4: Third Wheeling

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Ryuuji and Taiga awoke to the sound of a ringing phone. It was Ryuuji who swiftly leaped out of the futon to answer the phone while Taiga laid down, frozen by recalling what happened about that night.

"That was Kushieda... She asked if we want to go shopping today since its Kitamura's birthday coming up soon and Ami-chan isn't feeling too well at this point in time. How about it, Taiga?" Ryuuji explained. As soon as she heard her name, Taiga snapped back into reality. She thought about the request for a moment, and unhesitatingly shouted her answer.

"Yes! I'll come; I haven't seen Minorin in forever!" Ryuuji sighed a bit as he said "Remember the gift is for Kitamura... It's not all about Minori."

A couple hours later, the three met up at the center of town. Minori and Taiga squealed at the highest pitch imaginable as they caught a glimpse of each other. They mercilessly hugged and giggled after sprinting at the speed of light towards the friend they haven't seen for such a long time. Minori's squinting eyes began to tear up as Taiga gently pushed her away from her. "Minorin! We have so much to talk about!" Yelled the Tiger; Minori nodded as she wiped her glistening tears from her emotional eyes.

"So... What do you think Kitamura would like?" Ryuuji questioned. Minori scratched her head a little. Taiga also was deep in thought. She hadn't seen Kitamura in so long that she had forgotten what kind of things he liked.

"Well, since he's going to depart to America soon, we'd better find something good." Minori stated, hiding a frown under her smile.

"HUH?! Kitamura-kun is moving to America?!" Taiga ranted, Minori felt a little shocked since Taiga hadn't known.

"He's moving to America for his studies... And also probably to go and see the ol' student council president." Minori chuckled. Taiga silently nodded as she turned to face the ground. Previously, during her attendance at the school Ryuuji goes to, Taiga used to love Kitamura. Even though she doesn't feel that way about him anymore, it still hurts to see that a friend is leaving for another country.

"Well... That's enough chat, let's get to the subject! What are we gonna get him?" Taiga exclaimed. Everyone looked at each other restlessly. Despite being friends for so long, it really wasn't easy getting a friend something for their birthday, especially when it's the last birthday they will have in Japan. "How about we throw a leaving party for him and all give something to remember us with?" Taiga suggested, it seemed like a decent idea.

"Something to remember us by, huh? Oho! Good idea, Taiga!" Minori cried. They looked around blankly, unsure of what would be the best memorable thing to buy him. Ryuuji suddenly gasped as he got an idea, and quietly whispered it to the other two. They nodded confidently and the gang headed off to begin their shopping.

Hand in hand, Ryuuji and Taiga strolled through the shopping center together, Minori could feel her heart ache as the person she truly loved walked with her best friend in this way. She felt the recoil that she made for herself when she gave Ryuuji to Taiga that one day. Minori trailed behind the couple, staring at their intertwined hands with jealousy but gladness in contrast; she was honestly glad that Taiga was finally happy.

"Come again!" The shopkeeper said enthusiastically as the three teenagers walked out of he store. Naturally, Ryuuji was carrying the gifts that they had all bought for Kitamura. A grin grew on his face as he thought about possible reactions from Kitamura at the presents. There were 3 fluffy animals inside of the bag that Ryuuji was holding, a Tiger from Taiga, a Dragon from Ryuuji and a Monkey to represent Minori as an insane but thoughtful person. Minori took the Monkey out from the bag and winked at the other two.

"Alright! I'm off home to wrap this up and prepare the party!" Minori said with a plastic smile as the two lovebirds waved her goodbye, joined hands and headed in the other direction. They indirectly pierced her fragile mind with jealousy. Her make-belief smile faded in an instant as she whispered to herself. "Well damn, it hurts more than I expected."

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