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Before you read this book, please note that it is only half edited and that the last time I did edit this was back in 2016 - I haven't touched it since because I've been exceptionally busy with life. I was in my final year at University, then I trained to be a teacher and now I am a teacher so it's not as though I have had lots of time to work on this.

I am happy for mistakes and errors to be pointed out, and for people to make their comments but please don't be cruel with those comments.

I'm shocked that, four years later, people are still reading this cliché teen romance and are actually enjoying it. I appreciate each person who reads, votes and/or comments. Even with the mistakes which need to be edited and errors which need to be corrected.

Very many thanks,
Emma x


Please take a moment to check out my new story which I have posted. It's called Mr Hot Shot:

"Scarlett." Hayden placed himself on the seat beside me at the bar, removing the glass from my hand and placing a cautious hand on my shoulder, turning me to look at him. "I know you're hurting right now, and I am sure nothing I say will make you feel any better, but drinking certainly isn't going to make things any better."

"Gracie-" I could only get her name out before I felt the tears staining my cheeks and the pain ripping through my entire body.

"I know. I know." Hayden didn't even spare a thought as he took me into his arms. He pulled me into his chest, hiding my face from prying eyes, and ran his hands up my back reassuringly. "Rest assured, we will get your daughter back from that animal. If it's the last thing I do."

In that moment, I knew that I had broken my vow. I knew that I was falling in love with Hayden Peck, and that's if I wasn't already in love with him.


Hayden Peck. Cold, ruthless and without time for romance. Or, so he thinks.

Scarlett Johnson. Broken, tired, and unwilling to give romance another shot. Or, so she thinks.

It's going to be a roller coaster ride for the both of them.

My Best Mistake [#1][#WATTYS2016][COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now