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  • Dedicated to All My Fabulous Readers!xox


        “Mummy?” Amanda called as she came running into the kitchen. Her blonde hair falling over her blue eyes, at five years old she was the spitting image of her mother, it was actually rather scary sometimes.

        “Yes sweetheart?” Chloe grinned as she turned to face our daughter who was stood in the doorway. She looked confused about something, so it was obvious that she had a question about something.

        “Uncle Jason is talking about sticking something in a girl. What does that mean?” Amanda asked.

        Chloe stared at her in sheer shock of the question while I was speechless. There’s no answer which you can give to a five year old to explain that her uncle was talking about sex, a topic which had been forbidden in the house when Amanda was around because she picked up on everything. It didn’t matter how small, she still picked up on it.

        Despite her young age, she found it hard to accept the simple answer. She always had to think there was more to the story than she was being told or that the answer was more complicated than we were making it for her. She was determined, I’ll give her that much, she didn’t give up until she was satisfied with what she had been told.

        I wasn’t, however, about to give her an in depth answer about sex and how it worked. She was five and that was something he didn’t need to know about until she was thirty, maybe even older if I had my own way because there wasn’t a chance in hell of any guy getting within a foot of my daughter unless he could prove his intentions towards her were more than just sex.

        “He’s been talking about it with his friend,” Amanda added when neither of us replied to her.

        “Which friend?” Chloe asked suspiciously.

        “I don’t know his name. The one who Uncle Jason brought back last night,” Amanda said, a sweet smile appearing on her face and her eyes glowing with the innocence of her age.

        “I’ll do you a deal,” Chloe smiled at our daughter as she went down to her height, “if you go and play, mummy will buy you anything you want when we go shopping tomorrow.”

        “Anything?” Amanda challenged. I knew Chloe was going to regret telling her that later, but she wouldn’t tell her no and she really would get her anything she wanted. Regardless of how big and expensive it was, she would still buy it for her because she loved her and never missed out on the chance to spoil Amanda – she was definitely a mummy’s girl and it didn’t matter how hard I tried to change that, she was always going to be a mummy’s girl.

        “Yes, baby, anything,” Chloe grinned. Amanda ran out of the kitchen with a huge smile on her face and, when we heard the sound of her banging up the stairs, we knew she would be gone for a while. She had so many things on her room that she rarely got bored and, when she went up there, she usually didn’t come down for a good couple of hours. “If murder was legal, you would be clearing my brother’s body from the living room.”

        “You would never murder him. You love him even when he’s giving his five year old niece unintentional sex lessons,” I chuckled as I walked over to where she was stood and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her backwards so that she was leaning against me.

        I immediately felt the anger leave her system and she relaxed at my touch. I couldn’t help but smile knowing that, five years down the line, I was still having the same effect on her as I did back then. I still have to thank Braydon for making her realise exactly how she felt about me and for pushing her away enough that she landed right in my arms.

My Best Mistake [#1][#WATTYS2016][COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now