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© 2014 Emma Norman. All Rights Reserved.

NOTE: I have made changes to Braydon's character. Beforehand, he was the sweet and loving boyfriend, but I decided to change that and give him a slightly more controlling side; a slightly more aggressive side. Therefore, the chapters after this one, Braydon will be different because I am still to edit those chapters, but by the end of this book, Braydon will be complete different to how I first envisaged his character.


The room around me suddenly fell into total silence as my parents processed the words which had slipped from my mouth. My father looked as though he was about to keel over from a heart attack and my mother, for the first time in a very long time, was actually speechless and that was never thought I would ever actually see—my mother always had something to say and, to see her lost for words, was actually somewhat amusing.

I would have laughed had it not been for the fact that we were discussing my unplanned pregnancy. If I was to laugh now, regardless of how hilarious it was, I would simply land myself in even more trouble than I was already about to find myself in.

"How many months?" My mother, it would appear, finally found the ability to speak and, from her tone, I knew that she was suppressing the anger which she wanted to release.

"Almost two," I shrugged. Sure, I was petrified of both my parents and I was terrified about what they were going to do to me, but I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of knowing that's how they were making me feel.

"Who is the father?" My father asked, not beating about the bush and getting to the point, as usual.

"It doesn't matter. He has made it clear that he wants nothing to do with the baby and that he would prefer for me to abort the child," I fought back the tears as I remembered Matthew's words and just how deeply they affected me, especially now that I knew for certain that the baby was real and there was nothing hypothetical about the life which was growing inside me.

"If it doesn't matter then you won't mind telling us. It's Braydon, isn't it? I told you that—"

"I am going to my room. I'm really not in the mood to be dealing with this right now," I put a stop to my mother before she could tell me that Braydon wasn't the right person for me and that my relationship with him was volatile. I knew that Braydon and I had argued, it happened a lot recently and both of us had said things which neither actually meant, but we loved each other and he was the closest thing to happiness that I had actually had in my short life.

"Did you cheat on your boyfriend, Chloe?" I thought it was hypocritical of her to care about when I had done something wrong, but even then she wasn't actually concerned about me, she was concerned about someone whom she hated even more than she hated her own child. "I can't believe that you would be that selfish, it's not fair to the poor kid, even if he's not necessarily my favourite person, he still doesn't deserve to be cheated on—"


"He will also be joining us for dinner tonight, so that's the perfect opportunity for you to tell him the truth," I knew that there was no room for argument in this conversation, my mother was going to be the one who had the last word and I was simply going to have to accept what it was that she told me.

"Wonderful. Is there anyone you haven't invited?" I remarked sarcastically.

"The father of that thing you're carrying," she didn't miss a beat when she answered and neither did I miss the coldness of her tone when she spoke, but she wasn't going to force me into a decision which I didn't want to make, and she sure as hell wasn't going to force me into ending the life of this child.

My Best Mistake [#1][#WATTYS2016][COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now