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        No words were passed between both Matthew and myself, even when we were waiting for John to call the both of us in, we just sat in silence and admired the room around us.

        It was the same waiting room I had seen the inside of not a month ago when I was here for the first time. I had my fingers crossed that it was far less dramatic this time around, I don’t think I could be dealing with another massive argument about nothing. The only difference between this time and the last was that Scarlett wasn’t here to help pass the time, I assumed that her last scan must have been the one to tell her what she was having.

        “What are you thinking about?” Matthew suddenly asked.

        “Just the last time I was here,” I replied, turning my head so that I was looking at him now, “she gave me her number and I was just thinking about calling her when we were done here. I thought we could go and see her on the way home.”

        “If that’s what you want to do, then we can do that,” Matthew smiled and I was taken aback by his words. I never expected him to be that willing to do something I wanted to do, I thought he would think of some excuse as to why we couldn’t visit Scarlett or that he would promise me that we would do it another day because he was too busy today.

        “I thought you had things to do today though?” I asked. I didn’t want to stop him from doing what he needed to do if it was something which needed doing.

        “Nothing which can’t wait,” Matthew grinned. “If you want to see your friend, then we shall see your friend.”

        “Thanks,” was all I said. I pulled my phone from my bag and text Scarlett, it would be nice to see her again and actually meet her family properly. She might even be able to give me some tips on how to do it properly, or even tell me what I should never do as a mother. Anything was better than nothing and, right now, I had absolutely nothing and I didn’t have the first clue about what I was doing.

        I hoped today was a good time. I was supposed to be working on my final project for English, but this seemed more important, even more so since I had decided I wasn’t going to college until the baby was at least six months old and I had found someone I trusted to look after it. I had already told Matthew that he wasn’t to give up his place at college and he was to do what he needed do, it’s not like I was going anywhere.

        I was still going to be there when he got home. His wife and the mother of his baby, staying at home to do everything a good wife and mother should do. I had already decided on this and no one was going to change my mind, this is what I wanted and I wasn’t going to my own thing for a change.

        “What did she say then?” Matthew asked a couple of minutes later, obviously hearing my phone go off. I looked down at what she had replied, and it made me laugh a little, but I couldn’t help but smile in knowing that she still wanted to see me despite the fact I hadn’t bothered speaking to her in just over a month now.

        “She said her son is being a little rascal but she would love for us to pop round for a while,” I chuckled.

        “Great. You can introduce me to your friend properly.”

        “One thing. Can I just tell her you’re my boyfriend rather than my fiancé? I don’t want to answer a million questions,” I said.

        “Sure. That works for me,” Matthew smiled, still surprising me with his attitude and behaviour. I was waiting for the moment that he turned around and told me that he was only joking, that he was going to take me straight home once we were done here and I could see Scarlett in my own time. I knew he wasn’t going to say it, but I was still waiting for it to happen.

My Best Mistake [#1][#WATTYS2016][COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now