The Ball

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                                     Today, April 10,2016

                                     Hostatona ,Kingdom

                          The Day Of The Kings Ball

                                         Time is 6:15 PM


A Dream

"Venus wake up ,Venus Wake up ," I heard a voice say so I opened my eyes and saw Briana standing over me "What ,"I said sitting up "I heard screaming down stairs,"
She said then my eyes widened "Is it one of the girls or something ," I said getting off my bed "I don't know but we should go check it out," She said as I got my robe on and then we went to the stair case and we heard another scream we slowly went down the stairs and we saw Aria trying to fight off a wolf wait what is a wolf doing in here "Help me please ," Aria yelled then I turned to Briana "Go get your brother now ," I said then I went over to Aria and took the knife "Go now ," I told Aria and then I looked at the blood thirsty wolf his eyes locked on then it growled at me but I didn't show fear so I tried doing a spell but before I could the wolf attached me "Ahhhhhhh ," I screamed then I choked out a spell "As mo vok ,"And the wolf was screaming in pain and I had lots of blood coming out then the wolf turned back to human and it was the kings brother so I got up almost falling back down but I made it up then I saw Briana and the king come down I started breathing hard but then I saw them running towards me "Are you okay your bleeding ," He asked me "I'm fine but is y-your b-brother o-ok ," I said staring in his beautiful eyes I know that I am not suppose to have feelings for my master but he is so cute so I kissed  him and he didn't move "Venus are yoouuu okay ," Everything he just was in slow motion and I tried to talk but all I could do was scream at the pain in my neck and I couldn't stop screaming .

The End of the dream

"Venus ,Venus calm down it's okay shh ," The voice said then I opened my eyes and it was the king and he was touching my hair I sat up "Sorry ," I said and then he stopped touching my hair "It's fine you where having a bad dream totally understanding ," then I looked at him and I don't think I was dreaming about kissing him so I decided to sit next to him and see if that kiss was a dream "I don't think I was having dream ," I said convincing to make sure it wasn't a dream "Yes you were you where scared of a wolf ," He said then I was confused how did he know I was dreaming about that "Wait how do you know that I was dreaming about that," I asked then he turned away "I read your mind ," He said then I was kind of embarrassed but at the same time I was mad at him for coming in my room and reading my mind "Well since you know the truth you can laugh at me ," I said laying back down "Why would I do that I actually think it's cute after all these years I Finally have someone who likes me ," He said then it made me blush a little bit so I had to ask "Do you feel the same way about me king ," I said as he turned to face me "Well of course I do and you don't have to call me king just call me Chris all my friends do but I think I can call you more than my friend ," he said then he touched my hand then that's when I knew that he would be in a lot of trouble if they knew that we have a thing for each other "I don't want to get you in any trouble so I think it would be best if we be friends ," I said looking away then he grabbed my chin gentle and looked me in the eye "I'm the king and the only thing that will get me in trouble is not taking care of Hostatona so you don't have to be my friend and I want let you be my friend cause I know that is not what you our do I ,I want you to be more than my friend cause my whole life I have been waiting for someone to make me feel nervous around them and that's what you do ," He said then I started to feel nervous "I-I don't know what to say ," I stuttered feeling nervous "You don't have to say anything ," He said then kissed me before I could say anything else then the I kissed him back I guess this is the moment I have been waiting for but then there's a knock on the door so we hurried and stopped and he ran behind the door "Come in ," I said looking at who it was and it was Maria "Wow your already awake that is good but we have to wake up early to help clean the ball room ," She said and I totally forgot about the Ball "Oh yea I totally forgot I'll be down in a minute thank you ," I told her then she shut the door Chris came out of the dark and sat back on my bed "So who will you be taking to the ball tonight ," I asked looking at him "Well you ," He said then he got off my bed "You better get ready you don't want to be late ," He said to me then I kicked off the cover's and went the bathroom to take a shower .

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