Chapter 7 - The Aftermath

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It's been about an hour since I woke up. A female and male cop came to ask me questions. I was fine with answering them, but I wasn't OK with Isaac knowing just yet.

"Can you tell us who did this to you?" The woman I call my mother. That's what I wanted to say but the words wouldn't leave my dry mouth. I looked over at Isaac asking him to leave with my eyes but it was no use when he said,

"Please Hanna. We need to know who did this." I pause for a moment. I don't know who to trust anymore and if I'm going to trust someone, it's going to be Rosie and Isaac.  Maybe I should tell him what happened. What they did to me. What I did to myself.

"M-my, my mom. She beat me." I heard a gasp of shock from Isaac and Mary Sue. The cop scribbled words down on their notepads vigorously. Isaac looked shocked and frightened but Mary Sue wasn't shocked, she was upset because she knew what my dad did to me before.

"Oh, sweetie, your mom now too." I nodded in pain, physically and mentally.
Before I realized, tears were rolling down my cheeks. Isaac grabbed my hand and squeezed it for reassurance, letting me know that it was OK. I started bawling like a baby; I wasn't worried what I looked like at the moment because this happened before when I was in the same situation with dad. I'm used to being in the hospital, whether it was mom overdosing, me being beaten unconscious, or me trying to leave this horrible, cruel world. My eyes stung, my nose was running, my hair was a mess, and so am I. I lease I have Isaac to help me through this.  The nurses and cops turned and left, leaving just Isaac and me in the room.

"What did Mary Sue mean when she said your mom now too?" Isaac asked me concerned.

I trusted him with mom, but with dad? I don't think he will handle it well; especially that he doesn't even care about me now but he still tries to get back in my life. His wife is probably forcing him. He doesn't care. He never will, not until I'm dead.

Isaac deserves to know what hell I've been through. I mean, Rosie already knows. Rosie knows everything about me. What harm could I do telling him?

"M-my dad, he used t-to hit me too." His face was washover with sadness and confusion. This time it's in grabbing my hand, he pulled me into a hug. I have never cried mentioning my father. But this time I did. I don't understand why I was crying. Was because I was told Isaac? I don't know what's happening. I was in upset with what my father did, only angry. No, not angry, furious.

He moved on without me. New wife, new kid; I don't want you in my life, ever again. I'd rather die then see him with his wife and his kids. He forgot about mom and I, so I will forget about him too. But until then I have Isaac and Rosie has my family, no one else. Isaac doesn't seem to care that I'm soaking his T-shirt; he just rubs my back, whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

You're weak, pathetic. He'll tell everyone. They'll know everything.

No no no no no, this can't be happening. The voices.

They're back.


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