Chapter 14 - What Did You Do?!

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I was like a deer in headlights. I didn't I jumped 10 feet away from each other. Grayson charging us. Instinctively, I blocked my face my hands waiting for the impact of the fifth but it never came. I peaked from behind my hands and see Isaac and Grayson from blows at each other's faces, torsos, and any other open body parts.

"No, no! Stop it, please!" No words are given back to me. Just going to pain and anger towards each other. I rush over, trying to break it up but neither of them are listening.

"Please, just listen to me! Enough!"

I get nothing, again. I guess I'll have to take matters into my own hands. I grab onto Grayson's arm which is holding Isaac in a headlock. Grayson tries to shake me off but I'm not giving up so easily. I did breaks free and they're back to throwing swings of the children's faces. Grayson blocks Isaac's hit it starts beating his face in, not even giving him a chance to defend themselves. Grayson pulls his arm back one more time to finish him off. I can't let Isaac at her anymore I jumped in between them. Next thing I know, there was a throbbing pain in my temple and I was laying down on the pavement.

What just happened?

I look around and Grayson is at my side. His mouth is moving but no words are coming out. My ears are ringing, giving me not a single sound around me. The metallic taste in my mouth this hour and thick. Blood, and all too familiar taste. Isaac is just standing there, almost ready to fall down right next to me. I realize what I've done. I jumped in front of Isaac and took Grayson's punch. What's even worse is that I don't regret it.

"Hanna, why did you do that? Look at what I've done. I'm so sorry, baby" I guess my hearing is back. My mouth feels dry and scratchy. I need to tell him why I did that.

"Don't ..." I can't get out anymore.

"Don't? Don't worry, honey?"

"Don't... Touch... Him."

"What?!" Bewilderment is spread across his face.

"Get away from us." His face contorted into mix of jealousy, sadness, and anger. Mostly anger.

"What?! After everything I've done for you! You choose him. What does he have that I don't? I have everything. Every girl in school wants me! Every guy wants to be me! I chose you, but you run to him! Why, Hanna! Why him?!"

"I don't have to wait for him and I wasn't left alone by him. He has stuck by my side ever since I met him but you. You seem to think that as soon as you start talking to me again, all is forgiven. Well guess what, Grayson? Absolutely nothing is okay! I waited a year for you! I waited for you to say it was a mistake and Emma meant nothing to you. That never happened. Even when you did come back. What about Emma? Yeah that's right, I know you two are still a thing. I'm not stupid. You come crawling to me for what? A good screw?! You already took my innocence. What do you want now, my life?! You might actually be the death of me, literally."

"Shut up, Hanna! You don't know what you're talking about. You're wrong!"

His face, always quiet and calm yet strong and confident, morphed in front of my eyes. I don't even recognize him anymore. His eyes held something I've seen only once before in someone else's eyes.

He holds the same power and craze in his eyes just like my dad.

He grabbed my hair, pulling me to my feet and threw me into his car. His hand struck my cheek with great force.

"Don't you ever pull a stunt like this ever again!" And he sped off.

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