Chapter 3 - Meeting Isaac

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"Hanna, honey, is that you?"

"Rosie!" I run over and hug her tightly. As we hug, I see cashier boy walk into the back storage room. It's probably his break... Or he didn't want to hear us chatting nonstop.

"Oh, Honey I'm so happy to see you back so soon. I was starting to think that you... lost your battle, dear."

"Believe me, I'm glad I'm still kicking too!" I squeezed her tightly once again.

"Well since you're here, I want you to meet Isaac."

"Isaac? Your son?"

"Yes Hanna." She paused for a slight second before,
"Isaac! Get in here. Now!"

I didn't know he was here now. I can't meet him looking like this.

Wait. Cashier boys name tag.


In he walks with a smile plastered on his face as he makes his way towards us.

"Isaac, Hanna. Hanna, Isaac. Have fun."

As quick as she appeared, she disappeared, leaving us to stand and stare at each other awkwardly. I might as well start a conversation.

"Hi, I'm Hanna."

A few hours later

After our interesting conversation, we found out we have a lot in common, actually. We have the same music taste, our favorite color is purple, and we both are quite shy, but we warmed up to each other. After a while, the conversation died down and Rosie finally came back and shooed Isaac back to the storage room.

"So, what do you think of Isaac?"

"He's nice." I replied softly. After a couple of seconds I realized I was so quiet she didn't even hear me reply. Rosie just stared at me with a hint of joy on her face.

"You like him don't you?"

"What? No, now what would make you... think... that." I faded away a little along my sentence due to Rosie's suspicious smile. She smiled because she knew l may like him. Maybe just a little. I cracked.

"He's cute, I'll admit it but that's it. He's very comforting, and for meeting me for the first time he's very open, and we have so much in common." I continued on with my little babbling. Little did I know, he was listening the whole time.

"What time is it?"

I glanced at the clock and remember I'm supposed to be home to cook dinner.

"I have to go! My mom will kill me if I'm any later! Tell Isaac I said good night."

I shoot out the door and break out into a full on sprint. Although my house isn't very far, when I got there I was out of breath. I don't see mom's car so I think I got some time.

I shove open the door only to reveal my mom standing there with her hands on her hips. I'm dead. My life is over. I wonder what color coffin I'll have. Ooo,  maybe purple.

"Where have you been?" She asked with her eyes glaring into slits while her foot impatiently hit the hard, maple floor.

"Rosie's shop to buy groceries like you told me, why?"

"I didn't tell you anything."

"I'm sorry mom, I didn't know."

"You didn't know. You didn't know! I treat you so good and you're out dillydallying while food is supposed to be cooked and put on the table. What do you expect the food to cook itself?"

"Y-you... could... h-hav-"

"I could have what?"

"Y-you could h-have c-cooked for-r your self." I shouldn't have said that. I expect my mom to scream at me for my attitude but she didn't. Instead, she just stood there huffing and puffing like the Big Bad Wolf. She then charged at me with great force and speed and did the unthinkable.

For the first time, She slapped me, straight across the cheek.

Just like dad.


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