Valentine's Day Special Chapter! (One Shot)

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Hey guys! Soooo.. Valentine's day is coming, right? I'll give you something reaaaallly special.

Yep! Its a Valentine's Day Special Chapter! Though, this one will be a oneshot so have fun~!


Love blossomed throughout the world. It was Valentine's day, and everyone were now buying gifts to their loved ones.

Yoshiki bought a dozen flowers and chocolates to give it to his special someone. Ayumi Shinozaki. Although she likes Mochida, he didn't care. As long as he can confess and give her the flowers he bought for Ayumi.

Meanwhile, Ayumi bought chocolates to her special someone, but, its a secret. ;)

She put the chocolates inside her bag and smiled happily. I'm going to give this to him. Teehee. She thought.

She went downstairs and greeted her sister a happy valentine's day. She ate breakfast and left for school.

As she hummed along the sidewalk, she came across a familiar boy with a blonde hair. "Kishinuma-kun!" She called.

Yoshiki gasped and turned his head towards the direction where he heard the voice. There stood a cute bluenette waving at him. His heart suddenly exploded of total happiness. She noticed me.. He thought to himself

Ayumi walked towards Yoshiki with a smile and said, "Happy Valentine's day, Kishinuma-kun!" Yoshiki smiled and replied, "Happy Valentine's day, Shinozaki." Ayumi noticed a black-thingy behind Yoshiki and asked, "Kishinuma-kun, what's that thing behind you?"

"Oh this? Its a guitar. I'm gonna sing a song to my special someone." He said. Ayumi smiled. "Who's this special person you are talking about?" She asked. "Its a secret." He smiled and winked.

Aww.. Too bad.. Ayumi thought to herself. She looked at her chocolates inside the bag and pouted. He likes someone else..

"Anyway.." Yoshiki said, breaking the awkward silence. "Wanna go to school with me?" He offered. Ayumi smiled and nodded. "Sure! No problem!" In a sudden moment, Ayumi held Yoshiki's hand and started walking. Yoshiki was a bit startled and noticed that Ayumi was holding his hand tightly. He blushed, seeing the bluenette he loves, holding his hand.

In Ayumi's case, she was blushing DEEPLY. She didn't know why she did that, but was happy anyways.

They arrived at school, still holding hands, and while holding hands, students who saw them started whispering.

"OMG. They're so cute!"

"Those two are perfect for each other!"

"Look at that guy! Blushing madly!"

Yoshiki heard the students and blushed. He wanted to punch them so badly, but he can't since Ayumi is holding his hand.

The both of them arrived at their classroom. Mayu greeted her friend and noticed them holding hands. Mayu smirked.

"Are you dating~?" She playfully asked. Ayumi tilted her head and noticed that she was still holding his hand and broke away. "S-Sorry, Kishinuma-kun!" She apologized and bowed her head. Yoshiki scratched his cheek and said, "I-Its okay."

Ayumi hurriedly went to her seat and sat down, and started slapping her own cheeks. Why did I do that?! Urgghhh! That was embarassing! I hope he doesn't hate me...

All of the students chit chatted for awhile until Yui-sensei came.

"Everyone! Please settle down!" She said. The students went back to their seats and sat down. Everyone went quiet.

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