Ten: Cute Apology

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10 more to go... Book 1 is about to end... DUNDUNDUN!

Ayumi's P.O.V.

I was in my bedroom, regretting for what I did to Kishinuma.

I kept rolling and rolling on my bed, trying to figure out what to do. I punched the wall(slightly) due to my frustration and regret. Then again, my drama came back again. A single tear went running down my cheeks as I kept punching the wall.

"*hic* Kishinumaaaaaaa.." I whined.

After mere hours of drama, I finally decided to stop crying and think of the situation thoroughly.

"Alright! Time to man up, Ayumi! Gotta think of how to apologize to Kishinuma tomorrow!" I lay down on my bed and threw my fist in the air.

I stood up, went to my computer, and started searching some tips and advices on apologizing to people.

Scroll, scroll, scroll..

"These won't do.." I sighed. All of these methods don't seem to work on Kishinuma..

I faceplanted my face on the desk and sighed. "What now?" I asked to myself, spacing off for a little bit. Then, something came up on my mind. Yes, an idea. A very crazy idea.

"That's it!" I screamed, slamming my palm onto the desk.

"Keep it down, Ayumi!" A muffled scream was heard from the side. It was my sister.

"Ehehe! Sorry, sis!" I apologized. I started scribbling my crazy idea onto a piece of paper.

"Yoooosh! Time to do this! TOMORROW!" I screamed again.

"AYUMI!" My sister screamed along, with a bit of anger on her voice.

"SOOOORY!" I screamed again and again.

I went to bed and closed my eyes. I smiled, hoping for my plan to be successful..

Yoshiki's P.O.V

I woke up very early in the morning. I fixed my bed and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

After my morning routine, I went outside and locked my apartment, making sure that no robbers could get in.

I walked, since the school is near. I was a bit bored, to be exact, I'm still not in the mood. Why? Well, it was because of yesterday.

I walked while looking down, not really paying much attention to the road. Finally, I made it to school and ran to the building.

I got inside, sat down and took a nap. That's what I would do when I am not in the mood to talk to people. I might strangle them to death.

A moments later, the classroom was now a bit noisier. I didn't mind, they can make noise anytime.

"Ayumi-chan!" I flinched. Uggggghhhhhhhh... I continued napping, trying to sleep, and also, trying NOT to talk to her. I was still mad at her, but slight. How can I stay mad at her? She's too adorable.

Then, I heard footsteps. I firmly closed my eyes, trying to nap. Someone poked me on the shoulder. I ignored it, because I was not in the mood. And all of a sudden, someone was now shaking my body, trying to wake me up. I opened my eyes, tick mark appearing on my forehead. I scratched my head in frustration and turned my head. "Who the hell--" I stopped and looked at the uniform. It was a girl. I looked up and..

"S-Shinozaki.." I mumbled.

"Hi, K-Kishinuma-kun.." She said, trailing off. I started being a jerk(lol) and pretended that I was mad at her, not looking directly through her eyes.

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