Chapter 1: A Slow But Needed Start

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Her hair brushed against his cheek as the wind picked it up. Her beautiful eyes, so much like glacial crystals, were hidden by her eyelids. Her lips perked, leaning towards him before -

"Woah!" Hiccup flipped up, nearly falling forward. Once his vision came into focus, he groaned and flopped back onto his bed, hiding his face in his arms. Toothless, now awake, shuffled over and nudged his rider. Sitting up, Hiccup sighed and rubbed his nozzle. "Sorry, Toothless. It's just...." He sighed again in frustration. "I keep having these weird dreams and I don't know why I have them and...." Toothless offered a whine and a claw, earning a smile and a scratch under the chin. "Thanks, bud. I guess we'll have to figure this out in the morning." With that, the rider sighed again and buried himself under his sheets, hoping for a better morning. Oh and what a morning it was....


"Hiccup!" Astrid called out. "Guess who showed up?" There was a twinkle in her eye that just made his smile bloom wide.

"Tell me it isn't Snotlout's cousin again. I'm still picking fish guts out of my hair from last time." He groaned jokingly, getting the blonde to chuckle.

"Nooo...." Stepping to the side, she revealed an old sight for sore eyes.

"Heather!" Hiccup hugged the brunette with an astonished laugh. "What are you doing here?"

"Hi, Hiccup." She laughed. "Windshear and I were visiting an old friend somewhere north of here so I thought I'd come and say hello."

"You are staying, right?" Most people would think he enjoyed her company but in his gut, Hiccup knew the real reason he was eager for her visits. It was because Astrid loved having her around and would always smile more when she was. She nodded in reply.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" Heather had a very mischievous glint in her own sage eyes, one that unnerved Hiccup. Astrid didn't seem to notice it though.

"The twins wanted to 'restock'," She added extra emphasis on the word, a mocking tone present in her voice. "Their supply of Lokimins."


"Trust me, you do not wanna know." Hiccup shivered at the memory of the last incident.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Heather motioned to her dragon, who was crouching down. "Astrid, Hiccup, meet Sigrun." And from behind the silver serpent's form stood up a bright-eyed redhead.

"It is so wonderful to meet you!" She glowed with so much admiration, she was like a candle in a fog. "I've heard so much about you and love it all!" She ran up to Toothless with a ginormous grin splitting her face.

"Is it sad that's not the first time this has happened?" Hiccup sighed as he watched her circle Toothless, earning a laugh from the other two.

"Hey, at least she isn't bent on skinning him alive." Astrid chuckled, her hand comforting his shoulder.

Hiccup turned his head to comment but became distracted by how close she was. He could smell her scent, drifting off the blonde wisps of her fringe. He could feel her cool breath gently chilling his cheek. He could even see pink dusting on her cheeks, as his eyes flickered to her lips. It was so much like his dreams. If he just tilted a little forward...

"And who is this fine beauty?" But of course, we all knew the moment would be interrupted. And by Snotlout, no less.

"I'm Sigrun," The redhead greeted with an irked tone. "You must be the infamous Snotlout I've heard so many complaints about."

"Don't worry, they're all just jealous of this!" Obnoxiously throwing his arms, he flexed his muscles. After a couple eye-rolls and groans, Fishlegs recognised the other visitor's presence.

"Heather! You're here!" Everyone seemed to notice his eager tone except Heather and himself. Giggling with a villainous undertone, Ruff and Tuff pushed him forth for more words. "So, uh, what brings you to Berk?"

"Well, Sigrun here was really excited to meet you guys. Or rather," She eyed her friend's ecstatic face with a smile. "To meet the dragons."

"So it is true that a Steamhorn's breath is just as flammable as a Zippleback's gas?"

"Uh no, that's just a rumour!" Tuffnut defied stubbornly. "Barf and Belch are the flammable-iest of any dragon!"

"Anyways, I was hoping you guys could show Sigrun around and give her some insight?" Heather smiled.

"Sure thing!" Fishleg's own smile was as wide as a yak. "Why don't we start with the Training Arena, which is where we...."

And so the group walked off, Snotlout yelling, the twins plotting and Hiccup and Astrid just shaking their heads in amusement. None of them, not Fishlegs, not Heather, not Hiccup, suspected the fangirl-worthy adventure that would trip them up and suffocate them in fluffy moments.

A/N: You guys waited like, six months for this and I am so ashamed of myself for postponing this. But the plot will be great and hopefully wait being patient for. Thanks to RawanShaban and samreen1212 for encouraging my sequel's plot and going over it with me.

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