Chapter 2: Vengeance Of No Crime

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     "Let's go, Stormfly!" Astrid called to her dragon, swooping and looping like the experienced trainer she was.

     The sea sent up a fresh wave, its salty air distinctively welcome. Its teal ripples reflected the inviting azure sky, the sight sending nearly everyone into a daydream of flying. The clouds were scattered but thick with soft tendrils; the wind maintained a melody, swooshing through the open sea like the dragons that soared above it.

"Woohoo, yeah!" Hiccup and Toothless had adrenaline rushing through them, shooting faster than Stormfly and Windshear like an arrow.

"Come on, girl!" Heather and said dragon glided close to the ocean, its spray sprinkling the brunette's hair and the dragon's scales.

     The three riders were out for a flight, testing their speed and just having fun. Of course, Heather didn't miss the smiling glances between her friends, rolling her eyes at the obliviousness. She laughed as Toothless swirled upside down above Stormfly and the two riders high (or low) fived.

"So, is this what you usually do?" Windshear glided alongside the other two dragons, finally calm and relaxed. "Just fly around?"

"Not really." Answered Astrid with a bright smile. "Usually we're working on mapping all the new islands we find and keeping them safe."

     "But on a really good day," Hiccup grinned, his freckles rising on his cheeks. "We do tend to 'just fly around', as you so vividly described it."

"Don't you ever worry about an attack or a raid or something?"

"Some days are just made for relaxing." Hiccup leaned back down against Toothless' spine, letting his bud take his own route.

"Never thought I'd hear Hiccup Horrendous Haddock say anything like that."

"Cherish it while lasts," Astrid smirked. "One second he's lazing around, the next he'll panic and set up three defence plans."

"Haha, very funny." The brunet rebutted sarcastically. Heather gave a chuckle at their antics; they really did get along better than anyone she'd seen.

     "Well, I guess we should head back." She sighed, wishing their flight could last a little longer.

"I guess so." The other two sighed as well, obviously enjoying the serene atmosphere that surrounded them. The three turned their dragons around, giving sympathetic smiles to themselves and each other.

"Ah well," Astrid brushed her fringe from her eyes. "Probably good that we go back anyway."

"Yeah," Trying to lift the slightly gloomy mood, Hiccup kept his tone light. "Who knows what Snotlout and the twins could've gotten into."



"I love you, Astrid!" The brunet grinned. He was shoved to the side by Snotlout, who grasped Astrid's hands.

"Lay off, kiss-up! She's with me!"

"Ha, as if! She's been blocking you for years!" Fishlegs scoffed, shoving him off.

"You're all unworthy of her!" Yelled Tuffnut, who tried to push them all at once. But let's rewind a little.

     Astrid, Heather and Hiccup had arrived back on Berk and were all walking with their dragons. It wasn't until Sigrun and Ruffnut came running along that they found out something was wrong. And they witnessed that something first hand when Snotlout, Fishlegs, Tuffnut and Iver Basnik ambushed them and began declaring their love for - you guessed it - Astrid. All of this happened only in a few minutes, so everyone's confusion was completely acceptable.

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