Chapter 6: Cast Aside Like An Outcast

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     The first thing she noticed was the warmth surrounding her. A familiar warmth, like a hug from a friend. Opening her eyes, Astrid realised she had an extra blanket atop the first. Shaking her head, she smiled and stretched. 'Hiccup must have put it there.' Cheerily, she stood up and looked around the room, noting said rider's absence as well as his dragon's. Shrugging her shoulders, the blonde moved to exit the room, only for voices from the other side of the door to catch her ear.

     "So, any ideas about what to do?" That sounded like.... Hiccup? Placing her ear on the door, Astrid kept quiet as he spoke to someone else.

"Not really. But how's Astrid? Is she alright?" It was Heather's voice, definitely. She sure was early, visiting Hiccup at this hour.

"Never mind that." Hiccup brushed it off so quickly, it kind of hurt Astrid. She frowned, finding his rebuff unnecessary. 'I guess he just wants to get this whole thing over with.' She thought sourly as he discussed about the Mindbender with Heather.

     Feeling discarded, Astrid swung the door open and walked straight out, ignoring Hiccup's and Heather's surprised faces.

"Astrid? You're up?" He sounded bewildered, like he expected her to sleep the whole day. Astrid scoffed, stomping down the stairs. "Hold on!"

"I'm gonna check on my house, Hiccup. I'll see you guys later." She spat out, not turning as she opened the door.

"Wait, Astrid! What happened?" Hiccup was closer now, she could feel it. But she stood her ground and said one thing before slamming the door shut after her.

"Never mind that."

     Staring at the closed door, Hiccup sagged his shoulders in dejection. Heather came up behind him, patting his back in pity.

"Guess you've lost your place in her good books."

"I don't get it. What'd I do?" Heather gave him another pat.

"So many things, Hiccup. But give her some time. I'm sure she'll cool off."

"I hope so."


     "Why is this even upsetting me?!" Astrid gritted her teeth, chucking her axe at the target. "It's not like he meant to say it that way! I mean, come on!" She muttered over and over as she plucked her axe out and swung it again.

"Who knows, Astrid? Who really knows?" Snapping her head up, Astrid found Sigrun leaning against the wall. She blew out a breath and stood up, swishing hair out of her eye.

"Sigrun, what are you doing here?" Sigrun smirked, pushing herself off the cement and grabbing a mace from the weapons cart.

"Better question: what are you doing here?"

     "Look, Sigrun, I don't have time to teach you how to fight so -" - Swish! - "Woah!"

"Good thing you don't have to teach me then." Sigrun's smirk grew as she swung her mace at Astrid again. "Let's train."

"Sigrun - Gah!" Astrid lept out of the way as Sigrun charged towards her. "Why do you want to do this?!"

"Because," Sigrun smiled, dropping the mace and lifting her fists. "It's a great stress reliever." She motioned Astrid to punch her, to which she was bemused. "Come on, Astrid. Show me what you got."

     After so much time scowling, Astrid finally grinned. She raised her own fists and lunged at the redhead. Sigrun dodged her assault, twirling around to push her. The two blocked and kicked and jabbed and shoved, equals in strength and determination. They fought for what felt like hours, but was several minutes instead.

"So - why were you so angry?" Sigrun swerved out of Astrid's kick's path.

"You wanna do this now?" She breathed out.

"Why not?" Sigrun grinned before flopping to the floor in exhaustion, Astrid following soon after.

     "Because we just trained ourselves to death." Astrid laughed and placed her arm over her eyes, feeling all her frustration melt away. Sigrun rolled over and looked at her.

"But seriously. Why were you abusing the target?" Astrid sighed and removed her arm, staring up at the sky.

"I don't really know. I guess it's because of what Hiccup said but I know it wasn't like how I thought it was...."

"What did he say?"

Astrid sighed again, "Heather asked him about me and he just....dismissed it, like he couldn't care less. Like the Mindbender was....more important to him."

     "Huh." Sigrun laid down again and stared at the sky with Astrid with a thoughtful face.

"Well," Astrid got up, placing her hands on her hips as she looked down at Sigrun. "I guess you got your answer."

"Yeah," Sigrun kept staring up, musing with a distracted tone. "I guess I did."

"I'll be heading back to my house. I still haven't checked if the Admirers' are gone."

"Alright," Sigrun nodded, still lying down. "See you later."


     "What in the name of Amora the Enchantress were you thinking?!" Hiccup jumped at the booming voice, turning in his chair to find a furious Sigrun.

"I was thinking that a once-over in the Book of Dragons wouldn't hurt?" He squeaked uncharacteristically. She shook her head and plunged onto the seat next to his.

"I meant about Astrid." He exhaled and he turned back to the Book.

"I don't really know what happened."

     "What happened was the fact that you just brushed her off like she was yesterday's milk."
"What? I did not - oh." He finally realised what she was talking about. "I didn't mean to say it like that but...."

"But what, Hiccup?" Sigrun slammed her fist on the table, startling him. When she saw the confused look in his eye, she relaxed her fist and gave a sigh. "Look, I know I'm new here and you guys probably work things out but I can't stand to see anyone - stranger or hero - upset. So please, just tell me before I try to rip your head off."

     Hiccup bit his lip before slouching in his seat, mumbling lowly.

"What was that?" He mumbled again, looking away from Sigrun. "I can't hear you." He groaned and sat up straight.

"I was embarrassed, okay? Last night was the first time in I don't know when that the two of us could just relax together and it felt so great but when I woke up and thought about it, I just felt so embarrassed! I mean, it was great but just - ugh!" He banged his head onto the table.

     "Oh." Sigrun glanced around, unsure of his reaction. "Well then."

"Now do you get it? If I thought about it, I probably wouldn't have been able to think properly."

"Well, you should be happy to know that that is a valid reason. So you're off the hook." Sigrun stood up. She took a few steps before turning and calling out to Hiccup. "But try not to forget about the Admirers, Hiccup. It's not just about the Mindbender. See ya." With that, she walked out of the doors, leaving a first bemused, then panicky Hiccup to his thoughts.

A/N:  I'm sorry if this seemed rushed. I couldn't get it finished and really wanted to get it done today. Apologies for the pacing.

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