Leaving for good

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We both had a better understanding of the way we needed to go this time. Down the tree filled path, come out next to two other paths, jump over a log (more like scramble) and we were met with the rose bushes hat guarded the caravan. Aurora scaled a infant tree to rest up on top the caravan, she reached out her hand for me to follow her up. We folded our arms under our heads while the sky filled with stars, the night sky is exciting to explore, from the man on the moon, shooting stars and the constellations your eyes can create with these gems its truly a magical effect. The perfect night sky for me is when the sky looks like its covered by a dome of millions of lights and the stars appear to be closer. The darker the sky the clearer the stars appear. its truly impossible to look beyond the captivating crystals. I visited the neighbouring city last year, it was jam packed with bustling cars and power walking people, we went out for dinner in this five star restaurant and when we left the establishment the sheet that was the night sky had tucked us in. Only, all the skyscrapers overtook the picture with their flashing billboards and twenty-four seven indoor lights. The intensity of the adverts blurred out the stars, almost like the intensity of the fake blurred out the real. I told all of this Aurora in a slow manner letting myself be taken away by the beauty.

When my eyelids rose a pollution of fog was enclosing on the caravan. Auroras face was drowning in her fluffy hair as she snored peacefully. My time was spent doing nothing so I decided to treck back to my house and get the drawing book. Some intense spy movements followed to try and reunite with the soggy ground without banging into the side of the caravan and crashing. The leaves were dripping with water because of the think fog. Today the birds weren't singing, to a passerby these woods would be no less then a desolate prison that has never seen life, almost like my life before Aurora. I could see Nuria's bleach blonde hair swaying while she talked on the phone in between the multiple shape of leaves. I paused a couple of minutes expecting her to whirl around however she didn't move from her seat on the swing. Aurora could wake up soon or she might of already and I don't want her to think I ditched her so Nuria or no Nuria I had clamber through the badge hole. "Oh my god Stella your okay!" Nuria half screamed half whispered when I placed my finger against my chilly chapped lips. "Yes I'm fine" For the time in most of my life Nuria wrapped her arms around then gave me a little squeeze without warning, she all of a sudden pulled away from me "ow!" She cryed, she grabbed her forearm and I noticed a throbbing bruise sitting there. "Nuria how did you get that!?" I asked "mum got angry that I let you bring that girl in the house" her eyes shot down to the grass in shame. "I'm sorry I ran away" I apologised then change the subject and questioned "is mum in?" I asked but apparently mum was out with a group of friends last night and still hasn't come back. This is just what I was hoping, now I can get the drawing book without bumping into mum and causing a potential one way fight. My room blew a cool breeze on me as I opened the high pitch creaking door, The drawing book was on the floor gathering dust and still on the same page from when I was a prisoner here yesterday. Jogging towards it I heard the door slam shut, creaks in the floor vibrating closer to me then when I carefully turned my head I saw mum frozen in anger about a meter away from me. "Welcome back Stella" she said with a smile cut through both her cheeks, almost instantly her hand smacked my face without warning, the impact forced me to the now bloodstained carpet, the warm trickle of blood dripped down my lips and splattered onto my bruised hand, mum whispered into my ear "your friend isn't here to defend you now is she?" I just responded with a single tear mixing with the blood ever so slowly, mum kicked me right in the centre of the back to finish me off and shut the door after herself. My battered body delicately got up, i couldn't take this anymore; with mum hurting me every day chipping away my childhood for her own enjoyment, dad not having a clue this was happening and Mindy, Kat, Bruce and Keela being even more oblivious then dad, I spotted my Aztec patterned bag stuffed under the wardrobe and that sight made up my mind. I'm leaving for good. The drawing book barely fit into the bag but with a bit of strength it slotted in, a packed the Aurora statue, two dresses for me and Aurora, a torch and some green apples. I could hear mum down the hallway in her room when I pocked my head around my doorframe, luckily the bag was light so I wouldn't be tromping passed her room from the weight. Luck was on my side because the rest of the house no one was wandering which meant I could slide open the door and print to the woods.

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