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I took her to my bedroom and let her explore, I don't think there was one thing she didn't pick up and handle for about ten minutes. As all of this happened I was on my bed resting on my chest with my hands cupped hold up my head. She picked up my disco ball lamp that was on my bedside table, so I tried to tell her what it did in a way she would understand. "It flashes different coloured lights" she didn't do much other than tilt her head swiftly to the left to tell me my attempt failed. I sighed and just fell back onto my squishy blue pillow unknown what to do next. After about five minutes I raised my head to see what she was fiddling around with now, it was my blank page colouring book. I remember I used to draw in it every day from little doodles to held good cartoons. The first few pages are literally potato people with wanky stick arms and legs and uneven circled bodies, after that there are some slight better ones, I drew the whole family. Bruce was in a suit (like he always is) I drew in as a black rectangle, circle for a head. Everyone still had slick arms now attached with hands and feet! Everyone looked like that in the drawing, I was in a triangle dress, all the girls were by the way. Mindy was standing next to me in a typical maids outfit, so was Jenny and Kay then my sister was in the favourite sky blue dress at the time, her assistant Keela was next to her also in a maids dress. We are all in a line with our names underneath us, smiles from cheek to cheek and dot eyes. At the end of the line were two separate massive scribbles going diagonally, the names were mum and dad. I didn't know what they looked like. But that doesn't matter, I still drew myself happy. And I'm sure that's how I felt.

The girl turned the next page where it was blank. She look up towards me so I scavenged for a pencil and soon enough one showed up under the bed . I gave it to her then went back to my bed. Gently closed my eyes. I was woken up to hear a loud booming clatter from out the hallway, I sprouted up and the girl had gone. And the door was open. Hurdling around the house I knocked over some statues and books then I skidded passed the second floor kitchen and the second I could see through the door frame the girl was up on a counter looking through the corner cupboard. She pulled out a small snack pack of nuts and with one rip of the teeth the bag opened. I strolled over to her and poured some nuts into a bowl and place them on the table. She looked at me as if to say that she was not going to sit there so I brought it back down to the floor and she lent over it grabbing a handful every minute to eat. The pitta-patter of feet could be herd a few meters away, and it was Nuria coming closer to the door. I quickly whispered to the girl to hide before frantically snatching the bag of nuts off her and kicking the bowl under the table. I checked to see if she had hid properly and she was behind the counter island where from the doors view you couldn't see. "Hey Stella," Nuria started when she stopped looking puzzled. "Why are just standing in the middle of the kitchen?" She asked, I stuttered for a bit. "Umm....I...I....I came here to eat a bag of nuts" don't don't think bought it. "But Stella. You don't like nuts" I forgot she knew this so I tried to convince her otherwise. "Well I just tried them and I like them now" Nuria rolled her eyes and changed the subject. "Well Stella whatever, I'm going to meet my friends so don't spill them." I calmly nodded and let her leave without an answer. The girl ran to her bowl of nuts the moment Nuria closed the towering Victorian white door, I didn't see any reason why we had to stay down here now the girl had stuffed her mouth, so I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and called her to follow me.

The moment we walked through the door everything went back to normal. It was like we walked into a photo, I fell back onto my bed right in the body crease from before and the girl crawled to the corner back to the drawing book. It all went quite until I heard something fall off my shelf. It was I floral box where I kept my princess figurines. I had all the Disney princesses there you name it, i have Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel, Merida, Anna, Elsa, and Moana (her movies not come out yet but my dad made some 'personal' calls to get her) I hurried over to pick them all up counting them as I went. "11, 12, 13..." The girl was holding the last, at it was Aurora. I reached to get it but I looked at the girl and she was smiling, I sweet, calm, innocent smile as she stroked Aurora from crown to end of dress. "Do You like her?" I asked nicely, her face said it all so I asked "you don't have a name do you?" Her smile faded, and she gradually lifted her head. "How would you like Aurora?" Her finger slipped onto the base where the princess was standing and she felt the writing of Aurora, she happily looked up and grinned. I didn't need a response. I could tell she loved it. And so did I.

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