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The dark-haired girl, Albany, sits in a small kitchen. She is seated in a wooden chair at a table, and she is staring absently at the far wall. She looks to be about 15 years old. A stern looking woman with dark hair pulled back into a severe bun is talking to a low voice to a man. The man looks strong, with muscular arms and calloused hands. They are talking in hushed voices and occasionally looking over at Albany, who takes no notice.
Finally, the stern woman and the strong man finish talking, and they turn to Albany. The woman clears her throat, and Albany looks over at her.
"Now, Albany," she says. "Your uncle and I have been talking. All of your instructors say that you are excelling in your training, and that you are by far the best in your class. Your skills can rival some of the 18 year old victors that District 2 has had." She pauses, and Albany looks warily at her. "You are more ready to enter the Games than anyone else in your academy. You are the fastest, strongest, smartest, and most fit person there." The stern woman takes a deep breath before continuing. "So, your uncle and I have decided that you should volunteer for the Games tomorrow."
Albany's eyes widen and her face pales. Her body tenses up and she stares at her aunt and uncle with a desperate look in her blue eyes. They are smiling at her, obviously expecting her to be pleased. There are a few moments of silence, Albany staring in disbelief at her aunt and uncle.
"Well, Albany?" her uncle says. "Do you have anything to say? Are you excited? It's okay to be nervous."
"Nervous?" Albany says in a high voice. "Nervous? You want me to volunteer for the Hunger Games? Tomorrow?" Her tone rises even higher. She is very upset. "You want me to go into a fight to the death? Where 24 go in and only one comes out? I can't! I'm not ready! No!"
"Albany!" her uncle barks. "You are volunteering for the Hunger Games. You are ready, and you will do it."
"But-" Albany begins.
"No questions! Don't contradict me and your aunt," Albany's uncle barks. "Your aunt and I have sent you to the best academy, with the best teachers! You have received the best training in all of Panem! Now, you are getting the chance to bring pride and honor to your district, to our family, and you're turning it down? Do you know how grateful your aunt and I would have been to get to have to opportunities that you do? Get out of my sight, you ungrateful child. I don't care what you think, you will volunteer tomorrow morning!" Albany, with tear-filled eyes, gives her aunt and uncle one last pleading look before running out of the kitchen.
After she leaves, her aunt turns back to her uncle. He looks livid, his face is bright red and a vein in his temple is throbbing.
"It's for her own good," Albany's aunt says.
"Of course it is! We are presenting her with an amazing opportunity, and she is ungrateful! We have done everything to help to provide her with the life we always wanted! I can't believe her." Albany's uncle is storming around the kitchen and ranting about what an ungrateful brat Albany is.
In the next room, Albany is laying on her bed, curled into a ball. She is sobbing into her hands, and the expression on her face is one of utmost despair.

Albany Rosewood- District 2 VictorWhere stories live. Discover now