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The chariots roll back the way they came from, and finally they pass back through the double doors. The tributes all look relieved to be done with the tribute parade. They relax as soon as they enter the large room. The mentors are waiting for the tributes to exit their chariots. The room begins to buzz with conversation as they discuss how they did.
Albany and Jonas exit their chariot, and Jonas smiles at Albany. She gives him a small smile back before she turns to Kassie.
  "Jonas, you did well. You looked very handsome and I'm sure that the Capitol citizens and sponsors loved you! Albany, I would have liked to see more enthusiasm from you. I felt like Jonas looked happy and confident, while you looked morose, depressed, and all-around dull. You know, that won't get you any sponsors that way. You need to fix that attitude before training tomorrow, or you'll be targeted. And Jonas can't spend the whole time trying to protect his incompetent partner. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"
  A flicker of annoyance crosses Albany's face, but quickly as it appeared, it vanishes. She smiles blithely at Kassie.
  "Of course. I wouldn't want to jeopardize Jonas's chances," Albany says mildly. Kassie glares at her, as if Albany said something offensive.
  "You two need to go back to the suite with Viyla and get lots of sleep before tomorrow. I won't be back for a while." Although Kassie is addressing both of them, she keeps her gaze on Jonas, avoiding looking at Albany. Kassie gives Jonas one quick smile, then stalks off. A moment later, Viyla walks up to them.
  "Let's go back to the suite! Oooh, you two did such a good job! You looked so confident, and I just about jumped out of my seat cheering for you! Sponsors will be practically fighting each other to get to sponsor you!" Viyla gushes as they walk out of the building and towards the car.
  As they get into the car, Viyla asks, "So, what do you think of Kassie?" Albany remains silent, but Jonas has plenty to say.
   "She is so cool! She obviously has tons of experience and is going to be able to teach us to much! I'm looking forward to seeing what she can teach us! With her help, it should be no problem to win! She seems to like me, but she doesn't really seem to like Albany. She is very critical of everything she does." Viyla's eyebrows knit together and she frowns.
  "Oh. I was hoping she would let that effect how she treated you, Albany," Viyla says.
  "Let what effect how she treats me?" Albany asks concernedly.
  "It's just that you look a lot like another tribute from Kassie's year. Her name was Clio. She was from District 1, but she looked a lot like you. She had the same long, dark hair, pale skin, and piercing blue eyes. She was also about your height and carried herself with the same cold confidence. Clio was also far more skilled than Kassie. That was apparent from the minute they started training. Kassie and her district partner, Jem, were very close. They were friends from childhood and had grown up together. Once they got into the arena, Kassie, Jem, and Clio formed an alliance. Once the bloodbath was over, Clio started flirting with Jem and gaining his trust. Jem and Clio became very close over the course of a week or two in the arena. One day, Clio convinced Jem to go hunting with her, alone. Kassie was supposed to stay and guard their supplies. Instead, she followed them. She watched Clio lean in as if to kiss Jem, and then suddenly Clio whipped out her knife and stabbed Jem right in the heart. He died almost instantly. Clio managed to escape before Kassie caught her and they made it to the final three. Kassie eventually killed her, but she was devastated about Jem, and how Clio had flirted with him and then used his affection against him. Kassie took pleasure in embedding her machete in Clio's skull. Anyways, every time Kassie looks at you, she is probably reminded of what Clio did, she she hates you."
"Oh, I had no idea," says Albany.
"Yes, it's quite tragic," says Viyla with a frown. Viyla, Jonas, and Albany sit in silence until they reach the suite. The driver opens the door and they exit the car.
They walk into the building and take an elevator up to the second floor. They walk through the door and into a huge space. It has vaulted ceilings and light green walls. Huge windows take up most of the wall and the whole space is light and airy. The floors are light wood but most of it is covered by luxurious, vibrant rugs. In the main space, there are several doors located around the room. In the center of the room is a large, silver and gray couch with sky blue and lime green pillows. There are also large, plush chairs with small black tables sitting next to them. They all face the wall, on which is a large, white fireplace. There is a crackling fire already burning in it. Above the fireplace is a massive screen. Located on a large balcony overhanging left side of the room is the dining room, complete with a white table and pristine white chairs. Also scattered around the spacious suite are Avoxes. They all stand perfectly still with their eyes fixed on the ground. They wear pale green jumpsuits with large, feathered headpieces that hide their faces from view.
Albany and Jonas take a long look around the room, looking at their extravagant surroundings. Viyla suddenly exclaims, "Oh, did you two want to see the videos of the other Reapings? Normally your mentor is supposed to show you, but I think Kassie is off partying right now." Viyla wrinkles her nose in disapproval.
"I would love to," says Jonas. "We can evaluate the competition. Do you want to watch, Albany?"
"Sure," says Albany. "But could we change first?" She gestures to her long dress.
"Oh, of course, darling! How silly of me! Just run along to your rooms. They're over there," she says with a gesture to two of the doors. Albany and Jonas each enter one of the rooms and then close the doors behind them. Albany's room is dominated by a huge four-poster bed with purple covers in hues ranging from purple mountains majesty to a pale lilac. One of the walls has an enormous window that overlooks the busy Capitol street. The wall opposite the window has a tall, white wardrobe. A door adjacent to the wardrobe leads to the bathroom, which is well-equipped with a clawfoot tub, tiled shower, and marble vanity.
  Albany, after closing the mauve curtains over the window, walks up to the white wardrobe and pulls open the doors. The wardrobe is far larger than it initially appeared. It extends back at least five feet, and every inch is packed with clothes. Ball gowns, tunics, jeans, slacks, leggings, blouses, skirts, and shirts fill the wardrobe. On the floor are the shoes. Knee-high boots, wedges, sneakers, and stilettos are all crammed together on the floor of the wardrobe. Albany stares in awe at the vast amounts of clothes that pack the closet. After several minutes of searching through the clothes, Albany pulls out a pair of tight charcoal gray leggings with a loose deep green shirt. She pulls her hair out of the bun and it cascades down her shoulders in dark waves. Then, she goes to the bathroom and washed all of the dark makeup off of her face. Finally, Albany walks back out into the main room to join Jonas and Viyla.

Albany Rosewood- District 2 VictorWhere stories live. Discover now