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Rain slammed against the ground and the bodies around me. My feet slid across the wet ground. Only three words could explain what was going on.

Lads day out.

Aydam and Sandy, my two older 'brothers', had taken me to the local.. I'm not sure what you would call it. A mosh maybe? We were regulars there anyway. I used to sing and play here but everything went to shit and since I haven't picked up a guitar.

We danced, bumping into each other often, and tried to ovoid the sweaty bodies around us. I felt a warm body behind me and a voice murmur "remember no drinking Ty." It, of course, was Sandy. "Of fuck off, I'm not going to drink." I turned around and smirked at him while rolling my hips. "I'm just here to have fun and get loose. Venturing to old homes. Breathing in familiar scents. Making sure no fucker is stealing my songs. Li-" I was cut short by him shoving a red cup, filled with a clear liquid in it, into my face. I was disappointed that it was water but happily drank it anyway.

I tapped Sandy and Aydam on their shoulder's and motioned to the exit after maybe the millionth song. We walked out and I sparked a cigarette, slowly inhaling and then exhaling. I loved this feeling.

"So boys, how did you enjoy dancing in the rain for a change?" I smirked at them. "Cold." Aydam replied, which we all laughed at. "I'll see you tomorrow, ya doofs."

"Wait." Sandy said, grabbing my arm before I could leave. "When are you gonna pick up a guitar again? You were so good at it, no one could compete with you. It was the happiest we ever seen you." He looked worried. I smiled at him.

"Don't worry big brother. I'll pick it up again soon, I promise." I tried to paste on the most convincing smile I could but it obviously didn't work. "You always say that. At least this time when you go home, try and get some sleep instead of staying up all night baked." He was looking me in the eyes, meaning he was serious. "I will." Sighing in defeat, I knew tonight I would need to sleep.

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