(5)laugh out loud

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(At school)

"Boom clap the sound of my heart goes beat goes on and on on"
Sang Evelyn and her friends on top of their voice, jumping on the chairs and playing the fool because they got their economics period free!!. When they were singing half way through the song ,came Mrs Sangster.she is the chemistry teacher for the class next door and a total nut case.she hates this class so obviously she would say a lot of good things about them to others (not).

Everyone went dead silent and was just staring at her ,who is trying to give a death glare apparently because she looked like she was constipated not angry.
" ONE MORE noise from you children, the next thing you know you will be walking to the principles office!GOT IT?!" She yelled and all of the students just nodded at her. As soon as she was out of sight everyone started doubling over laughter, they were laughing so much that they got tears. After about 5 minutes everyone was trying to regain their breath.
Evelyn and her friends just was staring at each other for awhile before falling for another fit of laughter for no apparent reason. There laughter was so contagious that within seconds the whole class was laughing their heads off.
Amidst all of this, one thought went through Evelyn's mind and it was 'I hope I can laugh like this with my family soon'

A/n- hmmm I wonder what's wrong with her family.
Keep on reading to find out and woohoo I updated!!! Just like I promised so now pls make me happy buy pressing that small star sign because guess what I love stars and so does Evelyn.

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Keep on dancing keep on dancing cuz dance is who I am ( Barbie in the pink shoes) ik I'm still a child but wat can I say, the child in me comes out very often

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