(13)honor of....

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1 month later
Evelyn's P.O.V

" hey Eve" said Mia entering my room and then Sara,zoey,Anna following behind.
"Hey guys, wats up with the sudden visit?" I asked playfully.
"Oh no, just came to see our bestie whose busy with.... Um let me think school?friends? Wait no it's X isn't it!" Said Zoey with mock playfulness.i just rolled my eyes and said " ha ha very funny. Anyways I was about to watch Zootopia! You guys up for it"
"Duh!!" They said in unison
"I knew it! So come on make yourself at home. And I'll go get the laptop and speakers."

"That was so good" said Sara yawning.
"Yep and I'm sleepy" I said looking at my watch '6:30' it read. Wow that late.
"I'm hungry" said Anna and Mia together.
" well what are we waiting for.pizza?" I said.
"BBQ chicken"
"Pepperoni feast"
"Sausage delight"they stared shouting out different pizza's. I started chuckling and said" okay okay, I'll order a small 1 of each, happy?"
"Very!" They said.
'Ding dong, ding dong'
"Evelyn!! I think the pizza is here" screamed mom from her room
"Okay I got it!"I said and marched down the stairs and opened the door to see no one. Weird...I looked around to see if anyone was there and then took one step in front when I stumbled on a box? Who would have left it here ? I picked it up and was about to turn around when the pizza guy came.
"Mame your order and that would be $50" he said and I took the food from my other hand and gave him the money. " thanks" I said before closing the door and taking the food and the box up.
All of us are laying around after stuffing are selves to the maximum.
" what's that?" Asked Mia pointing at the box.
"No idea, when the bell rang I went down and saw this box on the doorstep"
"Then what are you waiting for, an invitation? Open it already and see from whom to whom it is!" Said Sara
I just rolled my eyes and took the box closer to me and checked if anything was written but there was none so I opened it to see a letter and a red rose on top and then something covered under it. I took the flower and the letter and opened it.
"From Travon Xavier Blake to the beautiful Evelyn." It read on top everyone was looking impatiently at me begging me to continue with their eyes.
" I am sorry for writing a letter instead of asking you straight but I'm just too nervous, I have always wanted to ask you this, actually even before we became friends. I have always thought you were a beautiful, confident and loving person. Your personality and your beautiful smile! I'm very proud to have you in my life so will you give me the honor of......"

Cliffhanger!! Yes ik but first listen I was going to update on Thursday and that was also supposed to be a double update and not only that it was the longest chapter of all!! 1000 words each chapter and it was a very special one!!! The reason I'm telling you this is because some shitty thing happened and all the drafted chapters got deleted when i was checking my Wattpad on Friday! Those two chapters are way different from this one and I'm beyond Annoyed and that's the reason I didn't update all these days. I was whining around thinking about what happened to my chapters *crying hysterically*
So now pls appreciate this chapter and
Read and add to your reading list!! Pretty pls 😔

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