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(Peace of advice-if you want to make a change do it then and there don't wait for a special occasion or a new month,year or day because you never know anything can happen within that time and at the end there is no use of regretting anything.you want to do it then do it.regret is never going  to do you any good and why do something later when you can do it now?"


"How do like the food?" Asked Travon breaking my train of thoughts
"It's fantastic,there's nothing to beat a seafood spaghetti carbonara."
"Except burgers and sweets?"
"Haha ha I knew it!" Said Travon laughing at my reaction.
"I got you something." He said reaching down to take a bag.how come I didn't notice that?
"You have got me enough and no way am I going to accept this!"I said feeling guilty because he got me so many things and here I am empty handed.
"I love giving u gifts and come on let me make up for all those years of not becoming friends with you even though we were in the same class."he said smiling.
"Pretty please.......?"
"Okay but you have to let me repay you whenever.and I mean when I get you something you take it without another question!"
"Pinky promise?"
".......pinky promise!"he said reluctantly
"Okay so what is it?!?" I asked excited.
"I thought you were upset"
"I was. Not anymore. I love gifts!!"
"Here.open it up"he said handing the bag over to me. I opened it and took 3 boxes out.one was bigger than the other 2.i opened the big one first.
"Shoot!!!!its a freaking Polaroid camera!!" I shrieked.incase you guys are thinking why the heck I'm freaked out.guess what I love photography and now I have 2 and I repeat 2 cameras!!!
"Yes...I can see that stop screaming" he said laughing hysterically.
"I think your laughing too much these days." I said and that stopped  him.
"Ahem...okay I'm done...*cough*...so do you like it?"
"No wait don't answer that!!! I know the answer already" he said snickering.
I just rolled my eyes and took the other box.

"Loving can hurt,loving can hurt sometimes but it's the only thing that I know...."photograph? I love this song. I remember blasting this song in my room 24/7. I looked at Travon and raised  an eyebrow but he just told me to see what's in the two boxes with a flick of his hand.
I opened one to see a open heart locket and the other was a square locket and a dent like in the middle where I can insert the heart in to.wow...it looks delicate and pretty. The heart was a rose gold and the square was silver.
"This is pretty!"
"Open it"
I opened the heart to see a picture of X and I sitting on the school bench with his arm over my shoulder and both of us with big smiles  on our faces. The square had the same picture.
"From where did you get this?" I asked amazed.
"You can fit me inside the necklace you got when you were sixteen next to your heartbeat where I should be keep it deep with your soul ...."
"Evelyn...I know this is just our first date and I don't even know if you think of me in that way but....will you be my girlfriend?" He asked softly.taking my hands in his and looking me straight in the eye.
what do I do? I really like him but....will this work out? What if he leaves me? Then I won't have him as my boyfriend or my best friend!
"Listen..I know you and both of us are friends!I'm  not forcing you.dong worry nothing is going to change our friendship and what better way to start a relationship than one that begins with being best friends? I promise you that I'll never hurt or leave you.yes there will be  alots of up and downs but that's the thing! Life is never easy and if it is  then your not living it the right way." He said now cupping my cheek from one hand and wiping a tear away.when did I start crying.
" pinky promise?"
"Pinky promise!" He said locking both our pinkies together with a genuine smile in his face!
"When did you become so good in convincing me and look at all thaws arrangements! I still can't believe you did all this?"I said wavering my hand around
"What can I say! Your a handful so I have to know everything to make you happy" he said winking.
he took the heart necklace and put it on my neck.
"It looks nice on you..."
He said kissing the top of my head.
"Thanks.." I mumbled blushing furiously.oh god...save me.
I took the square necklace and put it around his neck.
"Thank you" he said.
I'm in front of my house now in Travons car when I remembered
" mom is going to kill me! It's 12"
"Ahhh...about that.i might or might not have already taken permission from your parents for this whole thing.." He said scratching the back of his neck.
"You kidding!.....ryt?"
"Okay then.see you tomorrow?"
"Yea see you tomorrow.um but what is your answer exactly?"
"For?"I asked confused
"Boyfriend and girlfriend....?" He asked sheepishly.
"Obviously it's a yes doofus!!" I said laughing and then he joined in.
"You have to get a tattoo!!!"I said suddenly
"I.want .you.to.get .a .tattoo."
"And why?"
"Because I said so."
"I'm not getting my skin inked!"
"I'm your girlfriend,best friend,friend.....ryt?"
"So both of us are getting a tattoo when we turn 18 and no more arguments!bye boyfriend!"I said getting out of the car and heading towards the door.
"Wait!"turned around to see Travon coming my way.
"Okay I'll get a tattoo but...."
"Don't I get a reward or something . After all I think I deserve something on the cheek or forhead or......"
He said trying to act cool
"No you don't get a reward till you get the tattoo and for that you have to stay for another year" I said smirking when his eyes widened like saucers.
"Hmmm let me think again.." I said coming closer to him.

Dun dun dun... Another chapter and another cliffhanger!
So what do you think or want her to do.
Don't give a kiss
Kiss in the cheek
Kiss on the lip
Or something else...
Penny for a Thought!
Who loves the song photograph by Ed shareen?
Editing will be done after the book is over!!
Will you pls comment
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