(7)don't care

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Evelyn's P.O.V

"Good morning ma!" I said as I entered the kitchen where mom was making breakfast for me.
"Good morning sweetie" replied mom.I sat down and was waiting till she serves the food when I realized she was staring at me in a 'I know everything' look.
I understood what she was about to ask me so before she could say anything I said " I don't care and anyways I'm going out so don't bother about me!".
I took my bag and left without waiting for a reply. Obviously the child was coming home today how could I forget it!
I'm not strong like my mother because she's the only person who can accept her husbands second wife's child. Yes, dad has divorced her but the child is with us. Mom has a huge heart so she decided to adopt the child but just because she has accepted it so quickly doesn't mean I also have to right? I don't have any problem with the child in fact I love kids but I just need some time to digest everything that's going around me.
Every time I think about how the love and attention that was only for me is being shared and whatever I get will also be given to that child and be compared I feel so broken. These are the times when I really need someone who I can call as mine, who will be with me every step of the way.
Controlling my emotions I went ahead and entered school.
"Hey Evelyn" greeted my friends as soon as they saw me.
"What's wrong?" Asked Mia
"Nothing" I said as I shrugged my shoulder and they know better to not to ask me anything else so they just let it slide. I'm relieved that they don't ever push me for explanations and just let me take my time. That's why their my friends and I love them for it.
I did what I always do when I feel lonely, I hugged my besties with all the love I got.


OooOhhh I think it's a chapter from Evelyn's p.o.v
Now do me a favor and press that small cute star down there because after all Evelyn has told u all her secrets! Well almost all I guess... But still pretty please
Um...so two of the pics I put are what I took so if u don't mind pls tell me how they look(honest opinion);
Both the flowers
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