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"I'm very proud to have you in my life so will you give me the honor of taking you on yours and our first date? If it's a yes please wear the dress( hope you like it because I had a time trying to find the perfect one) and I'll be waiting on your doorstep at 8pm!~love X"
I was too shocked for a few seconds and then after I recovered from the shock I moved the paper slowly to reveal an elegant red dress with a belt which comes till my knees and a beautiful head band adorned with white stones. " it's gorgeous..." I said with amazement lacing my voice.

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I turned to look at the girls reaction but they were just looking at the paper which was on top of the dress for a while longer before Sara started to scream "I told you guys travelyn will sail !!! I knew that my ship wouldn't sink!! In your face"...

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I turned to look at the girls reaction but they were just looking at the paper which was on top of the dress for a while longer before Sara started to scream
"I told you guys travelyn will sail !!! I knew that my ship wouldn't sink!! In your face" she said pointing at the other girls who had a shocked and amused look on their face.
"Travelyn....? Seriously?" I asked amused at the girls they just shrugged before suddenly Anna screamed
"oh my god oh my god it's 7:00 and we have only an hour to make her over!!!!"
"I still didn't say whether I wish to go or not"
"Nobody asked you so now get out of here and get cleaned up before I do it myself!!" Retorted zoey with sass and seriousness together. If zoey says she will do something then she means it.
"Open you eyes" said Mia and I slowly opened my eyes to see someone who looked so different from the Evelyn I know. " wow......I look...beautiful" I whispered. My hair is naturally wavy so the bottom was just curled a bit more and everything was pulled to one side and clipped. My eye make up was a smokey look and God, did Sara do a good job with it. My lips were tinted in orange-ish pink color so it didn't look like I had a lot of lipstick on. Overall I looked simple but hot!
" you can thank us later!" Said Anna.
"Oh I sure will" I said back still looking at my reflection in the mirror.
After I had a wash the girls insisted that each of them gets a part on getting me ready for my first date. So Mia did my hair, Sara did my eye, Anna selected my accessories like the shoes and earrings,and zoey did the finishing touches while I just sat there doing nothing. I mean come on! It's Not everyday you get pampered by your friends,now is it?

Ding dong ding dong

"Oh shoot!" I mumbled under my breath. I guess he's here. My hands started to sweat and I know I can't do this." Um..I'm just going to go to the washroom"
"Oh no your not!" Said Mia
"I'll be quick...I really need to go. I..I'll-" I started to stumble with my own words.
"Evelyn!!! Shut up and calm down! First breath in,breath out. Again breathe in and out."said zoey trying to calm me down but heck with calming down when that bell sounded like a wake up call. More like a bucket of ice water. How the fudge did I even agree to go on this date. Oh wait I didn't. But seriously I'm so not going on a date with X. After all he's my friend and, and my crush. This is not good.
"Now listen to me carefully eve. You go down there and take that boy on the date he has arranged for you. Got it? No chickening out." told Zoey seriously
"Ryt! No chickening out!" I said determined.
I stumbled down the stairs and opened the door to literally see a Greek god. Holy shit he looks hot. Black is the best color on him,no doubt there.

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