Chapter 6

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Patrick looks at Brendon shocked, eyes size of the moon. I burst out laughing when I see his reaction, and soon collapse to floor.
Brendon starts giggling, and soon he's followed me to floor, also laughing his ass off. Patrick looks at us like we've grown second heads or something as freaky.
Soon Patrick realises the comic part and he starts laughing too. Me and Bren start laughing harder for his slow reaction. 'Trick starts laughing even harder and soon collapses as the third member of our laughing club, started just because one of us munched his waffle with true passion. We giggle and squirm on the floor for good fuve minutes, tears still streaming from our eyes. We start calming down, and at some point we manage to stand up, serious again. Brendon huffs and wipes a tear from the corner of his eye.
-Uhh, so Patrick, could you tell me more about your dad?" he asks sincerely curious, and Patrick locks up for a second, and a shadow of pain flutters on his well-shaped face, just long enough for me to see it well. I guess Brendon doesn't, he's suck a dick sometimes-
-I'm sorry but I really don't want to talk about that right now..." Patrick mumbles quietly and looks to ground dead serious, clearly mildly anxious about it. I nod quietly:
-It's fine. My dad was an ass too..." I state cooly and start a slow walk to living room, deep in my thoughts. He indeed was an ass. He used to beat me up until I begged him to stop, tears rolling down my face, mixing to blood and burning in the deep cuts my dad has made. Then he'd stop. He killed himself about an year ago by overdose. I'm just glad about that though.
Suddenly a hand touches my shoulder, causing me to panic. I bend down my mind suddenly filled with dozens of memories of my dad's hand on my shoulder, just before the first hit.
-Don't hit!" I scream quietly, tears rolling to my cheeks again. Patrick backs up quickly, eyes filled with fear and surprise, he looks really freaked out and I immediately start regretting my reaction. Dad's been dead for a year now! There's no reason for me to be afraid.
-I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..." Patrick apologises, eyes still filled with fear and concern, if I was okay.
-It's fine, I'm fine. Really. It just surprised me a little, and woke up some memories." I explain and think, what was so similar with the touches of those two men, who are completely different. Brendon has looked this little scene from a little distance. Now he comes to us, puts his hands my shoulders calming:
-It's fine Pete, it's all over now, you are safe."
-I know. I really am fine, so stop worrying, please."
-Uh.... I really should be going" Patrick quickly says, and I offer him ride. He accepts it, and soon we're at my car.
-Take your time on your ride" Bren says and winks at me, he's staying at my place, "keeping it safe". I sit in the car, Patrick on the other seat. I start the ten-block long drive in silence, someone stole my car radio a week ago.
-You can leave me here" Patrick suddenly says and I stop the car. He looks me intensely and I answer to it by making an eye contact. That is a mistake, I soon feel the sinking again. Quickly he bends over and kisses me quickly. I'm surprised, but it somehow feels so right I start kissing back soon. Too soon for my opinion he pulls out and leaves the car without a word, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Once Upon A Time In Cat Café • PeterickWhere stories live. Discover now