Chapter 5

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In the morning I wake up someone rambling in.
-Goood moornii- Oh. OH. OHOHOHO'' Brendon rushes into my room and sees sleeping Patrick curled up right next to me still in deep sleep.
-Dude! That was fast! ''Brendon whispers loudly and gives me a thumbs-up. I rise my middle finger at him, just as Patrick lifts his head sleepily and mutters quietly:
-Mm... What? Oh." He looks at me without even noticing stunned Brendon at the bed room door. A little smile forms on his face as he realises where he is.
-Mmm... Morning'' I gently whisper and smile at him, staring deep into his eyes. Brendon coughs loudly, causing Patrick to freak out a little. Patrick tears his eyes out of me and looks at the source of coughs.
-Yo I'm Brendon, Pete's best friend and body guard", Brendon states and smiles widely, almost like flirting.
-And other mom", I add under my breath. He just gives me an annoyed look. Patrick's stomach growls obnoxiously loud and he looks down.
-Aha! You should be glad I went to grocery store!" Brendon looks delighted.
-Thanks Mom", I whisper again, and Brendon looks like he wants to strangle me or something. I chuckle a little and stand up, making a short walk to kitchen followed by Brendon and soon after confused Patrick.
-OH MY GOD! WAFFLES!" I squeal when I see the paper bag on the table. Brendon bursts out laughing and Patrick lets out this adorable, quiet giggle.
-Yes. Waffles. I also went to Jennie's because I knew you'd be hungry", Brendon chuckles and winks at me. I walk up to the bag and open it. The sweet smell of the waffles spreads all around the kitchen. I carefully take one of those sweet, warm golden treats to my hand. I take a bite and almost moan out loud as the sweet taste spreads into my mouth.
-Wakes up some memories, huh? " Brendon pushes Patrick lightly and makes him fluster embarrased. I hit Brendon with my free hand and scream mouth full of waffle:
-Sfhut up! Nothfing happened!" Brendon just collapses to hard wood floor laughing, tears streaming out of his eyes to my pathetic mumbling. Patrick looks even more confused now, looking at Brendon. Quietly he sneaks up to me, brushes his arm gently to mine and takes carefully one waffle. He takes a small nib out of it, tasting. Both, me and Brendon look stunned.
-Wait. Have you ever eaten a waffle before? '' Brendon lifts his voice. Patrick looks intensely the pattern on my oak floor.
-My dad never let me so I haven't bothered to.." he says quietly. I nod understandingly as Brendon still looks so confused he could be knocked out with a poke. Brendon walks to the waffle bag and takes one himself. He checks it with a calculating look, and in a second he has munched the whole thing in his huge-ass mouth.

Once Upon A Time In Cat Café • PeterickWhere stories live. Discover now