You. are. a doctor...really?

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A/N Thank you guys for staying with this story, I wasn't 100% on where it was going but now I think I have some direction (:D remember if you have any comments or quotes you wanna see in the up coming chapters just P.M me or leave a commet at the bottom of a chapter. Look forward 2 your feed back guys.

Supernatural and the Twilight Saga belong to their creators Eric Kripke and Stephenie Meyer I own nothing, no copyright infringement is intended.

Now back to the chase.....


The sound of 'Smoke on the water' began to come from Dean's pocket for the sixth time as he followed the shiney silver Volvo up what was beginning to look like the worlds longest road, surrounded by the woods it was dark, damp, gloomy and for the love of God green...

Sam clinged onto the dash like his life depended on it as his cell started to ring, he tried to reach for it but Dean turned sharply and then straightened up again just as fast, jerking Sam around like a rag doll. Eventually the woods seemed to thin out and it became apparent that they had just come speeding up a drive way.

"WOW!" was all Sam could muster as an old rectangular house came into view, surrounded by six huge cedars that came right up to the external walls, shadowing the house almost protecting it. A huge lawn came into view next leeding upto the house, there was a deep porch that wrapped around the first story, the house had to be at least a hundred years old Sam thought as they approached, he looked up at the three story tall building in awe.

The Volvo came to a stop a few feet away from the porch steps, the driver side door was open and a tall, pale, lanky copper haired, suprisingly well dressed teenager got out and slammed the car door shut, he stood staring in the Impala's direction. Dean petted the dash and whispered something before taking a deep breath, doing a 180 degree handbrake turn bringing the car to a complete stop. He was out the car and closing the door behind him before Sam even realised they'd stopped moving. He got out looking around his new surroundings, then looked over at Dean.

"Dude, I thought you were pissed at the kid, why aren't yo...?" Dean had froze staring at the kid over the roof of the car, he had gone slightly white and looked shocked, soon snapping out of his 'moment' of shock he drew his gun, unlatched the safety and pointed it at the teenager.

"He has black eyes Sammy!" Sam looked round at the kid, he hadn't moved he just stood breathing heavly staring at them. Through narrowed eyes Sam returned the kids gaze whilst reaching for his gun, the kid looked even more pissed than Dean did. He made no attempt to move he was like a marble statue.

"Who the hell are you?" Dean demanded, a low hiss came from the kid as he began to tremble like he was having an internal battle with himself, Sam tilted his head and took a step forward to get a better look.

"My brother asked you a question kid! who are you?" he didn't answer, but looked over his shoulder slightly then back at the Winchesters.

"Edward..." A female voice announched, a caramel haired, pale woman appeared from the house, Dean had to double take, no one even heared the door open, nevermind seeing anyone come outside.

The woman came gracefully down the porch steps around the front of the Volvo and over to the kid she had called Edward, then stood in front of him placing her hands on his shoulders seemingly trying to calm him, it looked like they were speeking to eachother but their lips bearly moved from what Dean could tell. Sam relaxed a little and lowered his gun as the woman turned around and addressed them.

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