Ummm... Surprise?

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CLARY'S P.O.V:   (The month is January)

"Clary, come over right away. There is something very important I need to tell you." Simon was on the phone, while I was laying in bed. "Simon, it's 10 o'clock at night! What can possibly be so important? Jace is with Alec, and Izzy in Alicante for a meeting, and they won't be back until tomorrow." I sighed, having Jace not here made my heart sink, and I ached for him every second. "Why didn't you go again? Oh right, your mom wanted you to stay because "you seemed sick, and tired" but anyways, Magnus told me something, and.." Simon hesitated. "Just meet me at Magnus's apartment, OK? See you in a few." The phone went dead. I quickly put on Jace's jacket, the smell reminding me of him. Stele in my hand, I drew a portal, and vanished in thin air.

Magnus's apartment was pretty much the same, maybe it had a little more glitter, but that was all. Passing chairmen meow, I noticed that pictures of Alec, and Magnus were hung on the wall. One picture had Magnus dumping glitter in Alec's hair, and the picture after that had a family tree. Robert Lightwood, and Maryse Lightwood branched down to Izzy, and Alec, and  next to Izzy was Simon, and then there was a branch after that. I stared, and gasped. Izzy was going to be a mother.

"Simon! Congratulations! Does Alec, and Jace know?" I exclaimed in happiness. "Well, Izzy was planning on taking Jace, and Alec here once the meeting was done, and showing them the picture to see their reaction. They should be here in an hour, so what do you want to do until then?" Simon smiled. "Let's see who can eat the most glitter!" Magnus suggested. "Um, I don't think glitter is edible." I protested. "Trust me on this one," Simon started, " I had glitter for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Do I look fine?" I stared at Simon, and nothing was different. "Fine." I finally gave in. Magnus pulled out a  few bags from his pocket labeled '30 pound glitter bags'. He distributed us each 2 bags. "LET THE GLITTER GAMES BEGIN!" Instantly I ate a handful of glitter, and glanced over at Simon. He was going strong. A few more hands later, Simon was out. "I quit!" He yelled. I kept on eating, and I finished 1 bag. Magnus was on his 3rd since he took Simon's extra bag. I shrieked, and coughed up glitter. "I'm done." I whispered, barely able to speak. "I WIN!" Magnus shouted, and ran over to us. "I am the high warlock of glitter! No one will ever defeat-" A cat purr rose from behind all of us. We slowly turned around, and saw 28 empty bags of glitter besides Chairmen meow. "Looks like Chairmen Meow won. Even though he never said he was playing." Simon sarcastically rolled his eyes. "WHAT? WHAT THE-" The door opened, and Jace, Alec, and Izzy came stumbling in. 

I sprinted over to Jace, and hugged him tightly. His heart beat matched mine, and our bodies fit perfectly together. "I missed you so much, Jace." I looked up, and saw Jace's golden eyes staring at me. "Clary-" Jace began, but I interrupted him by a kiss. His lips tasted like pickles. Jace kissed me back, except this time the kiss lasted until Magnus interrupted. Like usual. "Excuse me, but I believe we came here to do something, not to canoodle." I shot Magnus a glare, and he looked away. "Look at the family tree, it's so wonderful. It shows our whole history." Izzy stared up. "And it shows our future." Simon finished. Everyone looked at the tree, but no one noticed the difference. "And look at this," Izzy held Simon's hand, and pointed up to mine, and Jace's name. A branch came beneath. "Wait, I thought Izzy-" Simon interrupted. "You thought, but we tricked you, Clary. Me, and Izzy aren't going to be parents. You, and Jace are."  

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