The Final update... what will happen?

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Hi everyone! First of all, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR ALMOST 13K READS!!!

 And second of all, this chapter is called the, final update... what will happen, because it's the final chapter of this clace book. After the ending, I will start a new clace book. The book will be up probably today, maybe tomorrow and it will just have a brief opening page thing. The title will be at the end of the chapter! 

Lastly, enjoy the chapter!

Clary's P.O.V:

I slowly brought myself off the ground into Jace's hands. "Please Jace. Do whatever you can to save me. But don't get in trouble." Jace's eyes glimmered like the sun with determination. "I will help you. But I can't promise I'll stay out of trouble." He smiled faintly before heading back to the mad chaos of the court room. I soon followed, but I wasn't sure where Jace was leading me. 

"Jacqueline Fairstairs!" Jace yelled out into the crowd. Everyone was screaming between each other, causing my ears to almost go deaf. "Jacqueline!" Me and Jace both called out. A loud stomping noise quieted down some people, but others just yelled louder. "You cannot do that!" "This isn't fair!" "She was only a child." "She deserved this!" "She's Valentines daughter for angel's sake!" Those were all the words that were coming out of clave members, some were for this case, but some were against this.

 "Jace Herondale. Or I liked to call Stephen, Heronwhale." Jacqueline smirked. I so badly, but I knew I couldn't, wanted to whack that smirk from her face onto the ground. Jace knew me very well, and tightly held both hands. Smart choice. "Yeah, well I'm not my father, so don't call me that." Jace's eyes got darker everytime he talked to Jaqueline. "You cannot strip Clary of her runes. She is and will always be a shadowhunter. By the angel, she saved us all from her brother! Clary helped us win and not go extinct, and now you are just going to let her go? No, I will not allow it. She has her parabatai too-" I cut Jace off. "Simon Lew-Lovelace." My face blushed a deep, cherry red. "Yes, and I am completely aware of that. The silent brothers have dealt with these situations. Simon will simply be put in the silent city under the most sacred area where no runes are felt- even the parabatai rune. If we cut your rune off, he will feel a slight pain when he is away from the sacred ground, but otherwise it will be painless. He won't even know you're gone. That's how useful that ground is." She raised her eyes back to Jace. "And I know you two are married, but I will do the same for you. Your rune will be painless as Clary gets her's removed and everything-" "DID YOU NOT JUST HEAR ME? I AM DEFINITELY NOT LISTENING TO YOU BITC-" "Jace, settle down This will make it worse for me." I gently soothed Jace, who wasn't acting as angelic as people think he'd be. "Fine," he grunted, starting to talk much calmer, "Anyways, I am not listening to you and I will not be separated from my other half of my life. Clary makes me live, she makes me keep going and fight harder. Without her, you'll lose me, your best shadowhunter warrior. And I'll be sure to fight against you." Jacqueline looked down at her shoes before speaking again. "Valid argument, I'll think about it." She spun on her heels as she walked down the corridor to an office. "Come." She gestured us to the office, allowing us to sit down. Jace sat down first before I brushed the seat off and sat down too. "Perfect." The doors locked as Jacqueline twisted her fingers. "What the- by the angel!" Jace and I were strapped down in our seats as Jacqueline spun her fingers again. "How did you do that? I thought you were a shadowhunter!" I exclaimed, getting more frustrated as the seconds ticked by. "Ah, and thats why you stupid shadowhunters shouldn't allow me to be here. You see, I am half angel, and half demon. I'm just like your warlock friend, Tessa Gray. Well, except I can't shapeshift- I have a different... talent." Jace struggled to get out of the tight grip, but it just tightened the grip on both of ours. My veins were getting white as my circulation was getting cut off each minute that passed "So what the heck is your power then?" Jace screamed. "I am not going to tell you! If you were to know, you would know my weaknesses. And just by the way, my name isn't Jacqueline Fairstairs. My name is actually." I actually looked up into her eyes as her black pupils swallowed up her blue eyes and everything was black. Like Sebastian's. And Valentines. I gulped as Jaces seat scootched closer to mine. I leaned in for a kiss just as Jace pulled me closer and kissed me first. I fiercely kissed my anger into his lips as "Jacqueline"  cleared her throat. "Ah-hem. I do not feel like throwing up with all of this smooching, so knock it off. My real name is-" I broke away from Jace as spoke up. "You're a Morgenstern. You have black eyes just like Valentine and Jonathan." Jace tilted his head and looked me straight (unlike Alec, sorry I had to do that!) into my grass green eyes and mouthed, sister . I doubted that, so I should my head saying "no".  "MAY I CONTINUE WITHOUT YOU LITTLE SMOOCHERS INTERRUPTING? But I am Valentina Morgenstern. I am Valentine's daugher, well his other one. Remember me, Clarissa? I was in your dream in the demon realms. But thanks to you, that story became true. Lilith took me from your dreams and raised me as her own. Once I was old enough, I left Edom, having all demon blood instead of half angel. Once I met with someone that I had planned to, they gave me angel blood from Ithuriel . But you really created me, sister, and Lilith raised me just like Sebastian. And you guess what." My eyes shook in fear as my body was shutting down slowly. My heart got slower, part of me was shaking, and I couldn't believe I had created this monster. This twin to Sebastian. "Clary, stay with me." I looked into Jace's eyes, but soon darkness swallowed me up. "NO!" I heard not Jace, but Jacqueline scream. "What are you doing?" I heard Jace saying, but I couldn't see him. My body jolted forward as my eyes were slung open and I could see again. The grip of the straps were less painful, but I still winced as Jace scooped me into his arm. A tear left my eye as Jace kissed the top of my head. "Jace. What just happened?" I was so relieved nothing serious had happened, but I had a feeling Jacqueline was causing all of this-from passing out to waking up again in a matter of seconds, it had to be Jacqueline. My sister apparently, one just like Sebastian. "Excuse me. Again. No kissing in front of me. And for the billionth time, answer my question! Guess what." Jaqueline looked at both of us, hoping for an answer. But I knew she wasn't going to get one from me or Jace. Silence filled the room as minutes went by with Jaqueline staring at us. "Fine. Since you brats won't guess, I'll just tell you. I have raised a demon army already, just like your brother, Jonathon. And I plan to take over the world by destroying shadowhunters and having demons run this world. Just like you brother. And in fact," Jaqueline brought her stele down to her arm as her true appearance was showed. "I am not Valentina, little sis. That was all a glamour." His black eyes shone in contrast compared to his white hair. "I am your brother, Jonathan, or as you like to call me, Sebastian."

What did you think?????!!! Are you completely shocked! I definitely was writing this!! And sorry about that little Alec joke thing... just funny if you read the books!!!:);) WarriorCats3636 :D

So the new story will be called ...

Of fire and ashes- a clace story

It will be up soon with only an introduction page. The actual story updates won't be for awhile, I haven't thought out the whole story. So it may be a longer wait-sorry! But for now, I will update my clace one-shots, so go and read that!

Comment what you thought of this story please! I will take any suggestions to make the story better! Thank you!!!!!!!

Also, if you would like, you can make a cover for the new story: Of fire and ashes- a clace story

If you decide to make the cover, please don't make it bright and colorful, as you can tell by the title, it may not be so... happy. Also, wherever you put it, please tag me so I can see your wonderful cover! Thank you for entering, if you decide to, and good luck! Also the covers will be due soon, maybe by Friday or Saturday so make them before then!




Clace forever! 



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