Chapter 4

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I don't know why this took so long to write,haha.
You entered your 4th period class and didn't see the teacher but you saw some familiar faces. Those included Ventus, Roxas, Axel, Zack,Cloud, Yuffie, Tifa, Reno,Hope, Noctis, Prompto and Zexion.

There were a few new faces in the back of the room. There were three silverettes, one had short hair that was kind of spiked, the other had long hair that went down to his middle back and the last one had shorter hair that went to his shoulder. They all had the same green, cat like eyes.

You sat down next to Yuffie who was arguing with Reno about something. You were about to ask what they were arguing about when you felt somebody tug at your hair. You turned around and saw Ventus smiling at you,

"Uh? Yes, Ventus?" You asked him and he cleared his throat,

"Just call me Ven. Well, you see, [Name]," Ven continued as he leaned closer to you and lowered his voice,"Radiant Garden is having its annual end of summer street dance on Friday. And I was wondering-," but he was cut off by Yuffie yelling,

"Nah uh, Venny boy! She's going with us girls! You'll jut have to find her at the street dance!" Ven groaned and you laughed a little. Yuffie was abou to talk some more until she got interrupted by a tall blond man,

"Yuffie take a seat please," the man said as Yuffie hesitantly took a seat. The man laughed as he saw that Yuffie actually listened,"When did you actually start listening to people? Anyways, for those who don't know me, I'm Snow Villiers, but you guys gotta call me Mr. Villiers, according to the big guy. Actually, just call me Snow, Mr.Villiers makes me sound old."

"You are old though," Cloud smirked Snow looked at him,

"I'm only a few years older than you. Anyways, I really only have one rule and that is no fighting. Well, also you need to watch your language, Axel, and no yelling throughout the whole class, Yuffie."

"I watch my language! Got it memorized?" Axel defended himself as Zack interrupted,

"Bull shit, you do!" Snow groaned and then Yuffie stood up,

"Zack!!!! Watch your language!!" the girl yelled causing Snow to face palm. Everybody in the room laughed a little bit but you heard a low masculine voice from the back of the room,

"I don't think mother would approve of this class,"

"Loz, we're juniors. I don't think we have to listen to mother all the time,"a different voice said.

"Kadaj! We can't ignore mother," a third voice said.

You were slightly confused on how much they refer to their mother. Like how many teens talk about third approving of their class?

"Well, I have to read the bulletin to you, so shush up," Snow continued,"Street dance starts at nine on Friday, there's going to be a deejay there of course. Um, football game at six on Friday...Nothing else that's important."

Snow pulled out his phone and started messing around with it. You sighed and pulled out your phone also,which might not have been the greatest idea.

Yuffie swiftly grabbed your phone and started putting something in your phone. She was about to throw it back at you when Zack nonchalantly walked by her and grabbed your phone. He smiled and threw the phone back to you, but it was intercepted by Reno,

"You know, Reno, why don't you intercept passes like that in the game?" Zack teased as Reno snorted then typed some stuff into your phone. You finally got your phone and started poking into it, to see what they did to it. You went to your contacts and found three new contacts. 'Greatest NInja Ever:)' 'Future Husband' and 'Undercover Lover'.

"Okay," you continued,"I know who the 'Greatest Nnja Ever' is, but who is my 'Future Husband' and 'Undercover Lover'?"

"I'm your future husband, dear," Zack said as he winked and you turned to Axel,

"So, you're my undercover lover then?" Axel winked,

"Yeah, got it memorized, darling?"

"But, [Name]," you looked to see Ven talking this time,"whatever happened to us? I thought we had a thing! I gave you my all and what happens?," Ven cotinued and acted like he just had the most dramatic experience in his life. You heard Roxas chuckle,

"I knew you were suppose to be a girl, Ven," causing everybody to laugh,"you're so dramatic, it's scary sometimes."

"At least my nickname doesn't sound like a girl a nickname!"

"Hey!" Yuffie exclaimed,"I like Roxas's nickname!"

"Keep it down, please,"Snow said as he continued playing on his phone.

"Hey,[Name]," you turned your head towards the voice and saw it was Hope, who quickly looked back to his desk,"What class do haw next."

"Oh I have Paranormal lit,"you said as you pulled out your schedule,"Wait, it's Thursday right, so I have mythology."

"Oh shoot, I had that earlier," Hope explained looking a little down,"I actually don't know who has that next,"

You looked around at the other faces, really hoping that somebody else would have your next class, but it didn't happen. You sighed as some of the guys looked at you with downcast faces. You shrugged them off and smiled,

"It's fine. Maybe, I'll get lucky and run into someone."

"Don't worry, you probably will," Yuffie said as she continued messing with her phone,"Cloud,what the hell is this pic supposed to be?"

"What? It's obvious! Three letters, and it's an animal!" Cloud exclaimed.

"Oh it's a rat!"

"No! It's a cat."

"Are you playing Draw Something?" You asked as Yuffie nodded and Cloud sighed,

"Yes, she's obsessed with it."

"I haven't played that forever," you said as you looked at your phone and wondered what time it was back at your old home. You still haven't called Shaylee back, or really texted her.

So you decided to give her a call,it rang five times until she answered,

"[Name] [Middle Name], did you ever pay attention in Worlds class. My world and your new world are in the same time zone! I'm in math, and it's a good thing we have Mr. Jones as a sub today, or else I wouldn't be talking to you. And why didn't you call me last night?!" During this whole spiel, you were holding your phone away from your ear, since she was literally screaming into the phone.

Everybody in the room turned to you and you just flashed them a small smile.

"Shaylee, could you please not yell, everybody's staring at me now," you said into the phone as Shaylee laughed,

"Good, it's about time people recognize your good looks, anyways why didn't you call me last night?"

"I was at a barbecue, and I was really tired, so yeah,"

"No, you just got drunk, huh? Just kidding [nickname]! But anyways tell me is there any cute guys?" She asked the last question quite loudly and excitedly. Everybody heard her and this time all the guys looked at you very intently, waiting for your answer.

"Uhhhh," you continued starting to feel your face heating up. You didn't know what to say, because, you have to admit, these guys are very attractive but you didn't want to say that,"I'll call you later, bye!"

"You better! Bye bye!" Shaylee replied and hung up. As soon as you put your phone away,Yuffie gave you a knowing look. And then the questions came.

But before too many could be asked Snow interrupted,

"Leave the girl alone! And be quiet!"


The bell rang signaling the end of the period. You picked your stuff up and headed to your locker to drop your things off. On your way back from your locker you ran into someone causing all your books to fall down the stairs.

"Hey! Watch out! Get some glasses or something," you looked up at the male that you ran into. He had black hair and golden eyes, he looked very familiar to Sora. Except this guy was a bit paler and taller,"Hello!! I'm talking to you! And by the way, who are you?"

"[Name], who are you? I don't need glasses, maybe you need glasses?"

"I'm Vanitas, and don't tell me what I need. Anyways, see ya later." And with that Vanitas left and didn't help you with your books you. You sighed and headed back down the stairs. But as soon as you got a few steps down a muscular man was holding your notebook, planner, and pens in his arms.

He had black hair and darker blue eyes. He kind of reminded you of Zack.

"Sorry for Vanitas, he's rude to a lot of people. I'm Angeal Hewley, and you are?"

"[Name] [LName], I'm new," Angeal nodded and smiled,

"Yes, I assumed as much. Here are your books, Miss [LName]. You should get to class, the bell will ring soon."

"Yeah," you continued as he gave you your books,"Thank you! I don't know where my next class is, do you think you could show me?"

"Of course. What class?"

"Mythology," you answered and he smiled,

"That's where I'm heading,"

"You have that class too?" You asked and he nodded,

"Well, I'm a sub for that class today an I think for the rest of next week, since Saïx is..sick,"
He explained as you too began walking to the class,

"So are you a college student then?" You asked hoping he said no,

"No, I just have all my credits and during my free periods, I'm like a teacher's aid. If that makes sense."

"Yeah that does, cool," you said as you continued walking to the classroom. And in about a minute you two were in the classroom.

"[Name], the books are in the cupboard,"Angeal said as he sat behind the desk. You nodded and went to grab one. You looked around the room to see if you recognized anybody.

You saw the three silverettes from the previous class and you also saw Vanitas. You inwardly groaned as you didn't want to sit by people who called your friends freaks. So you decided to sit by the silverette with long hair and have Vanitas on your left side.

"Oh, it's the blind girl," Vanitas laughed as you rolled your eyes. You looked to your right at the silverette with long hair,

"Hi, I'm [Name], what's your name?"

"I am Yazoo, these are my brothers, Kadaj and Loz."

"Kadaj,will mother approve?" The one named Loz asked.

"Mommy's boys," Vanitas scoffed and Angeal silenced everyone,

"Mr. Saïx says that you guys need to do a report on an Egyptian, that's on Earth by the way, mythological creature. It's due on Monday. That's all, so go ahead and work on that for the period."

You started flipping through your books to see if you could find the Egyptian myth section. You were starting to read a little section about Sphinxes when somebody ran through the door,

"I'm so sorry Mr. Saix, it won't happen again! I was hungry and-"

"Sora, Mr. Saix isn't here,"Angeal said to the panicking brunette. Sora made his way to the desk in front of you,

"Hey,[Name]! How's it going?" Sora asked quiet loudly which made Vanitas groan,

"Really? Do you have to be loud here too?"

"Wow, you actually came to school," Sora asked the golden eyed boy who just replies curtly,

"Whatever," you cleared your throat looking at the two boys,

"Are you two twins?" Both boys replied at the same time,


"Okay," you replied simply not wanting to say anything that could make the two boys get into an argument. You then turned to the three silverettes,"So you guys are triplets? Who's oldest?"

"Yes, I am," Kadaj curtly said,"Yazoo is the middle one and Loz is the youngest."

"Okay, cool, are you three going to the street dance?"

"Depends," Kadaj answered,"I'm thinking not."

"Oh I see, why not?"

"Please get to work," Angeal cut everybody off as he continued to read a book.

"I didn't know Angeal was the reading type," you whispered to Sora who just lightly chuckled,

"It's probably a book about football," you nodded your head in agreement since Angeal did look like the football type with his build.

"Do you play football, Sora?" You asked,

"Nah, ramming into with pads on isn't really my thing, I play soccer in the fall."

"Nice," you answered,"Is volleyball a sport here?"

"Yepp," Sora answered,"Yuffie and Tifa are the captains! You should play! You seem like a volleyball player!"

"He just wants to see you in spandex," Vanitas laughed out loud and Sora's eyes widened as his face was tinted pink,

"No! No! That's not it, I swear!" Sora defended himself making Angeal clear his throat and made Sora calm down.

"Well anyways," you whispered to Sora again,"Will I be able to play since I just transferred?"

"Just talk to Yuffie or Tifa then Miss Farron, she's the coach," Sora said as he quickly looked back at you.

"Okay, thanks! Wait does Kairi play?"

"Nope!" Sora answered,"She does cheer leading. The girls who play are Tifa, Yuffie, Larxene, Xion and a few other girls who don't mind playing with 'freaks'."

"Larxene? She scares me," you shivered at the thought of that blond girl chasing after poor Demyx earlier,

"She scares everyone," Vanitas simply stated,"that's why she's a good front row."

"Oh, Van-Van does watch sports?" Sora said which made Vanitas glare at the other boy who turned around and continued reading. You sighed and did the same.

You spent the whole class trying to read while Vanitas threw paper and pieces of erasers at you. Then after a long about 45 minutes, the bell finally rang. Sora told you he had the next class with you so he walked you to class.

When you walked into the science room you didn't even have a chance to look around when you were dragged to a lab table by a hyperactive ninja.

"[Name]! Sit by me! Sora usually sits with me also!"

You sat in the middle at the rectangular lab table with Yuffie to the right and Sora to the left.

Before you could say anything the bell rang and a creepy man appeared out of a door that you presumed was an office. At least you hoped. He had long light blond hair and let's just say he was just creepier than heck. Then he started talking,

"Well students, I was just going to have you read and take notes but since I didn't have a chance to correct all my papers last night because Mr. Leonhart and Miss Kisaragi ding dong ditched my house last night. So you all have a ten page worksheet that is due Monday. Plus notes. Begin."

Everybody groaned and glared at Yuffie and Sora except for Axel who ran over to your table,

"You guys did that to Vexen's house!! Hilarious! Good job!"

"Sinclair sit down, now!" Vexen yelled and Axel didn't hesitate at all. He quickly ran back to his table which Roxas was at with Xion.

You sighed as you went up to talk to Mr. Vexen,

"Hi, [Name] [Lname], I'm new," Vexen creepily smiled at you,

"Yes, new student, very nice!"

"Uh, yeah," you said nervously as you spotted the books on a table. You quickly grabbed a book and headed back to your table with shivers running down your spine.

"He's creepy isn't he?" Yuffie whispered as you sat down and you nodded in reply,

"Definitely! Oh and Yuffie, I would like to play volleyball, if I could?"

"Yes!! Totally!!" Yuffie exclaimed as she hugged you and Vexen yelled at her which made her instantly withdraw,"Visit Farron after school."

"Okay, thanks!" You smiled and then went back to working on your worksheet but seriously who can work with Sora and Yuffie around?

Photography went by quickly since you enjoyed taking photos so much. After the bell rang signaling the end of the school day you headed to Miss Farron's room.

You arrived to her room just as she was closing her door,

"Excuse me, Miss Farron? Could I talk to you about volleyball?"

She looked at you and smiled,

"Of course! We even have an open spot since one of the girls quit," she continued walking and motioned for you to follow,"Have you played before?"

"Yes, I played at my old school," you answered and Miss Farron nodded her head,

"Okay! Good, just come and sit at practice today and you can start practice next week. Then we will see where to put you at."

You nodded and followed her to the gym where practice was. You took seat in the bleachers and watched practice.

Meanwhile at cheer leading practice......

"I can't believe her!" Kairi exclaimed to Selphie as they stretched,"She was with Riku! Trying to steal him."

"Kairi, I don't think that's what she was trying to do," Selphie sighed as she looked at her best friend who was now glaring at her,"I mean, yeah, man stealer."

"Exactly! She has to pay," Kairi said as she stood up and walked to the other girls,"I know exactly what to do. Good thing we get done with practice before the other sports."

"Okay girls circle up and stretch," Miss Farron yelled as the girls ran to circle up where she stood. As they all arrived and started stretching, Miss Farron motioned for you to come over.

You stood up from your seat in the bleachers and headed over to the group. Once you arrived the pink haired coach introduced you,

"This is [Name] [L.Name], she will be joining us next week,"

The girls all smiled at you as you smiled back then you were taken off guard by Yuffie tackling you into a hug,

"I'm so glad you're gonna play! Now we're really gonna kick some ass!"

"Yuffie! Language!" Miss Farron yelled at the dark haired girl who just shrugged her shoulders and looked at you,

"Hey, [Name]! I'll give you a ride home!" Yuffie began walking with you in tow,

"Uh, Yuffie, I think-" you continued nervously, you really didn't want to see how Yuffie drived,

"[Name]," a girl with long dark hair that you recognized as Tifa interrupted,"You can ride with me if you want."

You nodded your head and gave Yuffie an apologetic look. You followed Tifa outside to her car and jumped in.

"So, [Name]," Tifa started as she pulled out of the school parking lot,"Who are you gonna dance with at the street dance?"

"Oh, I don't know," you answered as you looked out the window,"I doubt anybody will want to dance with me."

"Whatever!" Tifa said as she laughed,"I've seen how a few of the boys look at you! And don't tell me it's normal for a few of them to steal your phone and put their names in it."

"Well it is, isn't it?" You asked and Tifa laughed more,

"Oh, [Name]," she didn't say much more as she turned up the radio. The ride was quiet other than the radio playing, and in a few minutes you were home. You thanked Tifa and told her you'd see her tomorrow.

You walked into the house and was welcomed with a yummy smelling aroma. You saw your aunt over at the oven, humming as she was cooking.

"Hello, [Name], how was your day?"

"Hey, it was good! I'm going to start volleyball next week," you replied and the woman nodded,

"Cool! Too bad you aren't into cheer leading! You and Kairi together cheering would be so awesome,"

"Yeah," you said kind of missing your mom who was a volleyball fanatic,"well I'm gonna do some homework."

Your aunt nodded and waved a goodbye to you as you walked to your room. You sat down on your bed and started to dig through your bag and pulled out your science book and started to do that lovely ten page worksheet Vexen assigned.

About fifteen minutes passed and you heard your aunt yell that supper was done. You washed your hands then headed to the dining room.

You sat at the mahogany table and looked at the food that was in front of you and it looked delicious. It was a mixture of Italian foods and your tummy growled as you started dishing your food up.

Supper time was full of Kairi talking about her, herself and cheer leading. When the conversation turned to you, you said a few words about volleyball and meeting new friends.

When you finished you headed back upstairs and started doing a little bit on your mythology report. You were reading a long story about the Egyptian god Anubis when your phone suddenly rang.

You looked down and saw it was your 'Undercover Lover' calling,


"Hey! Roxas, Xion and I are working on our science homework, well we were, but can we come over? We'll bring some ice cream!" Axel said as you sighed,

"I guess! But I'm not gonna give you all the answers if that's what you want!" You smiled as you heard a small groan coming form the other side of the line,

"Okay, I guess. We'll be there in like two minutes, got it memorized?" Axel continued,"See ya in a bit!"

"Yep, talk to you guys soon!"

After you hung up, you continued reading your story and in a few minutes you heard the doorbell ring and your uncle answering it,

"Oh hello there! [Name]! You have guests!"

You shut your book and grabbed your science book,

"Just send them in here! Thank you!"

You heard some footsteps and then found a fiery redhead, a quiet blonde and a shy ravenette in your room,

"Hey! Where's that ice cream?"
You asked while they all took random seats in your room. Axel sprawled out on the floor, Xion came and sat by you and Roxas sat at your desk that you'll probably never use.

"Right here," Roxas said as he showed four ice cream bars. They were a blue color which kind of made you worry. He threw one at Axel and then walked over and gave you girls your ice cream,"It's called sea salt!"

You looked at it and then smelled it. You looked at the other three who were already eating theirs. You took a lick of it and then looked at the blue ice cream. Xion spoke up,

"So, what do you think,"

"It's...salty...but sweet?" You replied and Axel smiled,

"Told you she was gonna say that!"

"Whatever!" Roxas answered as he continued working on his paper.

After at least an hour and papers being made into planes, it was time for the trio to leave. You bid them good-bye and started to get ready for bed, deciding to take a shower in the morning. You turned on music then fell into a deep sleep.

Sometime around midnight,
"Oww! Selphie that was my foot!" Kairi whisper yelled to her friend. Both girls were sneaking into your room,"did you being the stuff?"

"Yeah, it's in my pocket,Kairi,is this really necessary?" Selphie asked as they made their way to your bathroom.

"Of course!" Kairi said as she grabbed the little bottle from Selphie and poured it into your shampoo,"Mission accomplished, let's go!"

Both girls quickly ran out of the bathroom but Selphie tripped before she made it out of the room.

You jolted up as you heard something hit the floor and hard. You looked around and saw a figure on the floor,


"It's Selphie!" And the girl quickly ran out of your room. You groaned in annoyance and laid back down. Quickly falling asleep.


You woke up extra early to take a shower. You forgot about last night'a incident as you stepped in the shower. You turned your music on and went on showering.

When you got out of the shower and started to dry off you wrapped a towel around your head. You dried your body off but kept the towel on your head as you got dressed. You went back to the bathroom to tend to your hair.

You were singing along to your music as you unwrapped the towel. You also had your eyes closed and were smiling since it was the street dance tonight. When your hair was all out of the towel, you looked in the mirror, and almost had a heart attack. Your beautiful [color] hair was now an icky looking green.

Okay dokey I know if that last thing happened to me, somebody would die. But anywho, what position should the reader play in volleyball? And the next chapter is the street dance! :D comments are appreciated :)

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