Chapter 9

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No homework this weekend! It'll probably be the only weekend this will happen. Anyways guess what? I finally made varsity in volleyball and I'm Libero! I think I spelt that right.And I also somehow got elected the Senior class secretary..weird. Sorry I'm in a good mood and I felt like sharing. Enjoy! :)
You woke up the next morning to Yuffie jumping on you,

"Wake up, [Name]! Time to go to school! Who's sweater is this?"

"Roxas," you grunted and turned back over in the bed. Yuffie rolled you back over with a smirk,

"Ooh! I didn't see you come home with that on! Did you sneak out last night? Hmm? Tell me the truth! You better not have corrupted that innocent boy!" You picked up your pillow your head was on and threw it at the girl,

"I had it on ever since being lost in the tunnels.And since you were hogging all the blankets, I didn't have anything else to keep me warm!"

You finally rolled out of the bed,literally, and fell onto Yuffie's cold, hard wooden floor. You stood up while the girl laughed at you. Ignoring her, you walked over to your bag that held all your clothes. You grabbed an outfit and continued with your morning routine.

Yuffie's grandma had a plate of pancakes for both of you to eat for breakfast. After thanking her multiple times for the [Favorite kind of pancake] you started eating.

You both hopped into the car and drove over to Hope's house since he needed a ride. The boy wearily jumped into the car as Yuffie pulled into the driveway of his little green house.

Yuffie barely gave him a chance to get his seatbelt off and was soon speeding down the streets. Taking a few unnecessary sharp turns just to freak out poor Hope.

You guys arrived to the school, surprisingly in one piece. Hope seemed relieved as you and him calmly walked into the school while Yuffie sprinted and jumped onto Reno's back making him jump and almost drop her.

"Yo! Get off me!" Reno exclaimed as Yuffie jumped off of his back with a smile. He shook his head and noticed you with Hope,"[Name]! Hey what's up, yo?"

"Nothing, Reno, just heading to school you know," you gave the red head a smile, which he returned,

"Can I walk you to your first class?"

"Sure! I have to go to my locker first, though," he nodded his head and you two continued to head to your locker. Every now and then Reno would crack a lame jokes here and there but you still smiled and laughed.

When you got to your locker you grabbed your math notebook to take notes and also the other things you needed. Once you shut your locker, you saw Roxas at some lockers across from you.

"Hey, Reno, can you hold these please?"

He nodded and you gave him your supplies as you ran over to Roxas and tapped him on his shoulder,

"Hey! Roxas! Here's your sweater! I forgot I had it! Thanks!"

You gave the blonde a smile who nodded his head with a tiny smile,

"Yeah, no problem," he said as you waved goodbye to him to go rejoin Reno. You were about to grab your books and stuff but he moved at the last minute,

"Nope,I'm a gentleman, I'll carry your books for you,"

You slightly blushed at his actions. Nobody has ever offered to carry your books,

"Nah, it's fine." But Reno just shook his head, you didn't argue and just let him carry your books to math.

You were both walking to math in peace and quiet when an arm was suddenly slung over your shoulder, you turned to see the other Sinclair wearing a smirk,

"Looking good, got it memorized," Reno looked at Axel,

"Oh brother, your flattering me, yo," Axel glared at Reno,

"I was talking to [Name], not you," Reno just sighed and Axel laughed lightly and teased Reno,"You're just jealous that I'm S.S.I.H!"

"What?" You asked to Axel who removed his arm then gave a big smile,

"I'm so sexy it hurts!" Reno face palmed because of his brother and you started laughing,

"Okay,Axel, whatever you say!"

Axel started laughing also and soon Reno joined in. And next thing you knew, you all were laughing your butts off. You true to talk between breaths,

"I don't..know what's so..funny!"

At this point you weren't sure why all of you were still laughing what Axel said wasn't that funny, but you guys didn't care. Even with the strange looks you were getting from people you were walking by.

You finally arrived to math in a cheery mood. It looked like today was gonna be one of those days you laughed at anything. Reno dropped off your books and left with Axel after telling Reno thanks.

You sat down in your seat that was to the right of Sora and behind Riku. And in front of Ventus, wait..When was Ventus in this class? You spoke your thoughts,

"Has Ventus always been in this class?" The blonde faked a hurt expression,

"[Name], I thought we were friends! You don't even notice your friends. I'm disappointed in you!" Riku groaned,

"Shut up, Ventus. [Name], he only comes to this class when he wants to. I really don't know how he's passing it,"

"I got connections!" Ventus crossed his arms and smirked. Luxord began handing out batteries for the calculators you guys were using. Sora turned to the three of you,

"Okay guys, we can't throw batteries or else it'll be battery assault. Then we'll get thrown in a dry cell and get charged with our crime," by this time Sora had a huge smile and Riku shook his head,

"Did you really just tell a lame battery pun?"

"Yep!" Ventus slightly looked confused,

"What?" Sora laughed,

"You know dry cell, it has something to do with batteries then charged, because you charge batteries!"

"Oh lord," you mumbled as you began paying attention to Luxord teaching.


After math you went to your locker to grab your history book for next period. When you got to your locker, you noticed Seifer was at his locker,

"Good morning, Seifer!" He grumbled,

"Morning," as he stood as his locker as if he was trying to remember what to grab. He finally seemed satisfied then closed his locker but as soon as he did,"Aww dammit!"

"Did you forget something?" You asked him as he looked at you with tired eyes,

"I forgot a damn pencil. Do you have one I can borrow? I promise to give it back."

You smiled and grabbed one of your pencils then handed it to the blonde. Who gave you a quick smile in return that is until Roxas came up,

"Hey, [Name], what's going-, Seifer!" Seifer groaned as Roxas narrowed his eyes,"What are you doing over here?Are you harassing her, too?"

"Shut up, lamer!" Seifer said as you sighed,

"Both of you. Just stop. I gave him a pencil, and his locker is the one next to mine,Roxas."

"Oh. But still!" Seifer sighed in annoyance and started walking away, but not without giving you a slight wave,

"See ya, [Name]. Hope to not see you." You scolded Roxas,

"What was that for? Seifer's a person too. Ugh, let's head to class. What class do you have anyway?"

"Oh I have survival literature. Just walking in that class is endangering your survival. It's right next to your class, well actually a few doors down," Roxas answered as you two continued to walk to your classes.

You two parted ways as you stepped into your history class. Doing so, Balthier shot you a charming smile that you quickly returned as you sat in between Genesis and Demyx, who both greeted you.

As Balthier began teaching, you were already starting to nod off. Until you felt a little folded piece of paper hit you. 'Not again' you thought to yourself as you cautiously unfolded the paper and inwardly groaned as you read it,

'Hey, girl. Why do you keep with those freaks! Their just gonna keep tearing down your social status. Their so dumb too.Why don't you come hang with us and see how much better normal people are? ~ Mayana xoxo'

You grabbed your pen and wrote down a reply,

' Heyb bi-, I mean girl.These 'freaks', are my friends and obviously I don't give a damn bout my social status, I want to be with people who like me for me. And normal? That's overrated so screw you Mayana ~[Name] xoxo p.s. *They're.'

You threw the note back at the girl who was one seat across and two seats in front of you, you also have her a fake smile which she smiled back at you then read the note. After she read it, she turned around and glared at you.

Genesis noticed what was going on and gave you a questioning look. You sighed an ripped a little piece of paper out and quickly wrote:

'I'll tell you later. No need to reply. '

You tossed it to the auburn boy who quickly read it and nodded his head. You heard Balthier clear his throat,

"Is there something you two would like to share, [LName] and Rhapsodos?"

"No sir," you both replied to the blonde man who gave a quick nod,

"Just remember, I am the leading man, so you must pay attention to the leading man to know what is going on."


Third period went by quick and so did lunch. You were soon off to your fourth period class, which was your study hall. You were always relieved to walk into Snow's class because it was so care free. When you entered the room you sat behind Yuffie, in front of Ven, to the right of Axel and to the left of Cloud.

You and Yuffie automatically started talking about the volleyball game, until she got distracted by somebody stealing her water bottle, which that somebody was Sora. You gave the brunette a look,

"Since when were you in here?"

"Oh, hiya [Name]! I just transferred in here because I was tired of being in home ec. So I told the principal I needed to 'focus on my studies' and I got switched into here!" You nodded and he went back to taking Yuffie's water bottle.Then Axel turned to you,

"So, Roxas told the principal about the whole tunnel thing and the principal didn't believe him."

"Are you kidding me? That's ridiculous!" You told the red head who nodded,

"Yeah, then Roxas even told the principal that he would show him the tunnel entrance but he still said no, because he has no time for 'kid games'. Snow even went in and tried to tell the principal but he was still stubborn."

"Oh wow, what kind of principal is that!" You exclaimed as Axel nodded. Nothing was said until you heard a sigh from behind you,

"Hey, Snow! Do you have any board games a few of us could play?" The teacher thought for a moment then shrugged while pointing to a cabinet,

"My little cousin might have left a game in here when she visited."

"Aww you mean Nica? She's such a cute little girl!" Yuffie said as Snow nodded. Ven went over to the cabinet and opened it, grabbing a rectangular box.

"Who wants to play....Horse-opoly?! Wait, Horse-opoly?"

"Is that like monopoly with horses, yo?"

"I guess so," Ven mumbled as he sat back down behind you. You turned around,

"Well I have nothing better to do, I'll play," you said as you began to move your desk around so it faced Ven. Yuffie pulled up a chair and smiled,

"Count this ninja in!"

"I will play too," Zexion said while you gave him a surprised look that he returned with a smirk. And soon another chair was pulled up beside you. You saw Sora with a big smile etched on his face,

"You guys are going down! I'm a natural typhoon!!"

"You mean tycoon?" You asked slightly laughing as his face tinted pink,

"Heh, yeah!"

And that is how your game of Horse-opoly with Ven, Sora, Zexion, and Yuffie started.

"Aww man! I'm already bankrupt!"

"Sora, we've been playing for like fifteen minutes, how can you be bankrupt already?" You asked The brunette while laughing. Ven shook his head with a smile,

"Yeah, Mr. Tycoon!"

You looked down at the board and saw that Sora did have the most horses but that backfired on him. He started mortgaging his horses so he could pay for everything. It seemed like Zexion had the most money right now, but you weren't sure because he was an illusionist.

Yuffie had the same concern that you did but voiced her concern,

"How do we know that money you have there is real, Zexy poo?" Zexion sighed,

"It's real Yuffie, I swear and don't call me that ever again. Please."

Yuffie nodded her head and was trying to steal Ven's money, well his five dollar bills that he's accumulated anway. But she didn't get very far because Ven caught her,

"Aha! That's where all my fives are going! I'm sending you to jail! I mean, the trailer! You can be [Name's] trailer mate!"

Yes,you were currently in the jail, well horse trailer in this game, because you rolled three doubles in a row. It was your turn and you rolled the dice, and to your dismay, it wasn't doubles so you had to wait one more turn.

It was now Sora's turn and he rolled and landed on Percheron. The Percheron was the highest renting horse on the board and Zexion also acquires the Clysdale to go along with it, meaning, he could put bales(houses) or a barn(hotel) which bumped the rent up sky high.

Since it was so high, Sora couldn't mortgage anymore and was the first to lose out. Soon Yuffie followed, because of Zexion's horses. Soon you ran out of money along with Ven and Zexion was declared the winner.

You went to your next class with Zexion and since Saix was officially listed as a missing person, Angeal was the sub for now. So he just assigned a short, modern day version, of a Greek myth for everyone to write.

You didn't start on anything yet because mostly you were too lazy. You didn't know what little myth to rewrite so you were kinda talking to Zexion to get some ideas from him.

Soon after school was here and so was volleyball practice. And you did get your pencil back from Seifer at the end of the day.

During practice you had to do a drill called two touch. You would choose a partner, then go to one side of the court.

You chose Yuffie, well she chose you. You both went to one side I the court in front of coach. She spiked a ball directly at Yuffie who bumped it so you could at least tough it somehow. Serah then tipped it to you as you dived and Yuffie reached out her hand to quickly touch it.

"That's two," you heard Your teammates yell,"eight more!"

Serah threw the ball back behind both of you but Yuffie was the run to run back and attempt to hit it she missed it and Serah threw a short ball where Yuffie was supposed to be standing. You dived and Yuffie dived to get the ball you barely bumped up.


The next ball came hard and fast you stuck your arms out an angled yourself so the ball would fly towards Yuffie after making contact with your arms. It did fly at Yuffie, hitting her in the leg,


Serah spiked the ball at Yuffie and it bounced of her leg and you dived barely getting a finger on the ball,


The next ball was tipped and you both dived, touching the ball at the same time.


Before you two could stand she was already sending the ball behind you two. You were the one to run back and try to bump it back to Yuffie, succeeding,


Yuffie was already creeping up to cover your spot but Serah noticed and sent it to the opposite direction where Yuffie was suppose to be, neither of you could reach it so you waited or the next ball. There was a fast spike right between you two, but neither went for it.

She hit it in the same spot and Yuffie went for it sending it straight to your side,



The next was a deep set but it was easily reached.


The ball was spike super hard at Yuffie. You heard it hit her arms and sent straight up in the arm, you ran and reached it just in time,

"10! Next!"

Yuffie gave you a high five as you two had tired legs. The rest of your team did the two touch drill and after you won't back to work on a few rotation things.

After practice, you told Yufie you had to run to your locker before you guys headed home. When you opened it a folded note fell out of your locker. You picked it up and grabbed your stuff without reading it yet.

You went to meet Yuffie at her car and you were soon off. Tomorrow, you had a home game again, then the next day was the day you were going I jump on the Pep Gummi Ship and support the football and soccer players.

"So, [Name], you find anyone attractive here? Any boy you have the hots for?" Yuffie asked as you just looked down at your shoes,

"Uhh, there is this one guy, but it's not like I'm in love with them or anything," you continued,"I don't need to get my hopes up."

"Don't be like that! You never know what's gonna happen!" Yuffie exclaimed.

You were now staring at the note in your hand when Yuffie noticed at a stoplight,

"Hey! What's that? A love letter?"

"I don't know, it was sitting in my locker!" You answered her and she laughed,

"Well read it silly! It might be someone confessing their undying love!"

"Whatever, Yuffie," you said, remembering the quick conversation from a few seconds ago as you opened the folded note and read out loud,

"Meet me at your locker tomorrow after third. I'm taking you out to lunch! I'm paying, no arguments! See you then :) ~[B.O.C]"

You both looked each other and smiled widely,


Yeah, I didn't think this chapter was too great, but I hope next chapter will make up for it!
Because you know what that note means! Woo!!


If you ever get bored and wanna read another KH/FF fan fic I have one that isn't a reader insert! It would mean a lot if you'd give it a read and tell me what you think! If you want!

Maybe comment/vote/follow? Thanks for reading! :D

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