Chapter 11

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Okay this is the chapter of the soccer match and football game. So I don't know a lot about yeah. But my dad is a football coach so I know a little bit about football! haha well enjoy!


It was Friday night, the night before the two away games you would be going to. You just finished a victorious volleyball game and were at your house getting freshened up for a quick night out with friends.

After you were dressed and ready, Yuffie barged into your room,

"Heya, [Name]! You ready to go? Everybody's gonna go meet up at the park! Silver Park to be exact, Im not sure what we're doing. I think we're just chilling." You nodded your head,

"Yeah, let's go!" The two of you headed downstairs and said goodbye to your aunt and uncle, who told you not to stay out too late.

You jumped into Yuffie's car with her and she soon sped off. After a number of sharp turns and cases of whiplash, you two arrived at the park. There were a few cars already there so Yuffie parked her small car in between two pickups, a bright blue and a tan one, you recognized the trucks to belong to Zack and Terra.

People started piling out of the trucks and over to the picnic tables that were in the middle of the dimly lit park. Yuffie and you jumped out and followed suit, finding yourselves at the tables waiting for everyone else to show up. You sat between Terra and Zack, drinking the bottle of water that you grabbed from the house.

Zack and Terra were in a heated discussion,

"Are you kidding me Terra? We are so gonna kick Twilight Town's ass!" Terra rubbed his temples and sighed,

"I never said we wouldn't! I just said don't get cocky! Remember when we got cocky with them last year?" Terra asked and Zack just shook his head,

"That doesn't matter! All that matters is we're going to win. Have some spirit, my dear cousin." Terra rolled his eyes and replied,

"Whatever. Fine we're gonna beat Twilight Town." Zack smiled knowing he won the argument. You looked up at him,

"Is Twilight Town good, in both sports?" Ventus, who was sitting across from you, answered,

"They're good, but we're better. In both sports. But they both tend to play dirty." You nodded your head and smiled. You heard Yuffie begin to talk,

"Guys! What are we gonna do? I'm bored."

You looked around the table seeing that the only people who were present were Terra, Zack, Ventus,Aqua, Yuffie, Sora and Riku. Nobody had any ideas on what to do so people just drifted off into their own conversations,

"Hey, Zack?" you asked the ravenette beside you who was drinking an energy drink,"Have you guys beat Twilight Town at all?"

"Um," he started as he awkwardly scratched his head,"We haven't beat them in like five years."

"Oh," you said surprised and Terra sighed,

"Yeah, last year it was rough. We were really close but stuff happened, and some people mouthed off to the referee." You raised an eyebrow,

"Who? Vanitas I bet." Ventus laughed,

"Of course him, but Zack also mouthed off along with a guy who used to go to school here." After Ventus explained you looked at Zack who gave a little shrug,

"Not my fault that I get competitive." You looked back at Ven,

"Why doesn't that guy go to school here anymore?" The blond shrugged,

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