Garden Of Eden

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The annoying little monsters were finally destroyed and the group could sigh in relief that the battle was over. They released their transformations, sensing they were in no more danger. Luna ran to take her first-aid case to treat everybody's wounds and once she was back, she was the first one to engage the discussion.

"Why the hell did that happen?"

"Has that ever happened to you before, Luna?" Risa asked worriedly.

"No, this is the first time. I didn't even know smelly goblins existed."

"Many mythical things do exist," Kairi said, licking her paw, still in her full form. "You should take every myth in every place of the world into consideration. They have some truth behind them." She then opened her mouth to a big yawn. "I'm sorry, I'm very tired now and I have no healing powers to help you out." After she said that, she returned to a small cat and curled on Ayame's lap to sleep while the girl helped to take care of Lukas.

"Ick." The boy didn't like the stinging of the disinfectant. "Has anyone ever faced a monster before? Seriously, that was weird."

Coalt, Ayame and Arika, and Jasmet all nodded, and the others looked expectantly at them.

"I had to fight some monsters when I got my ring, but it was something very different from those goblins. Their...purpose was different." Coalt once again gave a shortened version of his past, and didn't seem to want to develop it further.

"What do you mean by different?" Jasmet pressed him to continue.

"Like none-of-your-business different," Coalt cut her out, which seemed to annoy her.

"Well, I also faced something...actually someone, when I got my ring. This person had bad intentions and Kairi saved me back then. With Kairi by my side, she taught me about many things, specially how to defend myself." Ayame told her side, but she also kept some details out.

"And I had fought some creatures in the depths of Japan as part of the training with my tutor, but it was us who ran after them. Usually they won't attack if you don't interfere with them..." Arika explained her experience.

"Oh, right, Kairi did the same with me," Ayame added. The two girls had tutors; that explained why they were more advanced than the others. Meanwhile, Coalt didn't have someone to instruct him, so he discovered his powers due some mysterious necessity.

"You guys are a bunch of wimps, those monsters were nothing," Jasmet scoffed with a rude tone.

"Ha! You, the most experienced one?" Coalt laughed at the idea. Why was the shy, quiet girl acting so bossy? She was becoming very annoying.

"You better bite your tongue, you worthless piece of meat." Everybody froze at her behavior toward the older guy; he wouldn't stand for her to keep acting like this.

"What is your problem? Do you usually become bat-shit crazy right after fighting?"

"I don't like you! I don't trust you!" Jasmet blurted, pointing a finger at him.

"You and the whole world! Say something I don't know!" Coalt said, slapping her imposing finger away. The girl seemed about to fire back another retort when her expression suddenly changed to confusion.

Coalt noticed the girl's eyes were a yellow-ish color – brighter than usual, and then she blinked, and they were back to grey. After a pause he asked, "Well?"

"I...I...did I say something unnecessary?" Jasmet's voice was suddenly lower as she looked around sheepishly.

"What?" Coalt narrowed his eyes, not sure what was going on.

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