Good Morning

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Late that night two men discussed past events in a nearby hotel room. It was filled with lighted candles, and one of the figures walked anxiously from one side of the room to the other, whilst the other figure calmly poured wine into his glass.

Kira, the man pacing, was angry after his failed attempt against the ring bearers; and Damon, the calm man, didn't seem to mind it. Damon was slim with grey eyes, his ghostly figure accentuated due to his short white hair and comfortable-fitting white clothes. He tasted his wine and seemed satisfied with the flavor. He turned around slowly and sat on the couch, growing rather bored of his partner's pacing around and muttering between his teeth.

"Would you entertain me by telling me how you were defeated by this group of brats?" he hummed, chuckling at the man's expense. The only answer he received was a blazing glare from the muscular man with long dark hair. Kira was an intimidatingly tall and strong man. He wore black leather clothes and his skin was tanned. The two were opposites in almost every aspect.

"I get it!" Kira groaned in frustration. "It's the same thing that had happened to you the other day. If it were only the two of them, I would have eliminated them hours ago, but when they all attacked together, they matched my strength! That is a problem, but the biggest problem is..." Kira looked anxiously at the window, as if something was bothering him. "I promised my Goddess I would give her all the rings, but I have none to offer. I have failed her."

Damon rolled his eyes as he took another sip of his red liquid. "'Goddess' this, 'Goddess' that. You put too much faith in her. Also she isn't a Go-"

"Shut up!" Kira shouted at him. He became angry every time Damon dared to speak low about his Goddess. "We are pursuing the same goal here."

Damon's amusement at his partner's behavior soon ended and he defended himself with bitterness in his voice. "I accepted joining you to pursue my goals, that's all. I never promised loyalty to that woman; her dream doesn't matter to me."

"Then what is your-?"

"Boys, stop fighting." A feminine voice interrupted Kira, who froze in his spot before kneeling in front of the woman.

"I'm sorry, Karina, my Goddess." The rude man suddenly spoke with a soft voice.

"It's all right Kira," the mysterious woman said calmly. Karina was tall and slender. She wore a red dress that went down to her knees and her long, wavy hair and eyes were pure black.

Karina looked from Kira to Damon and saw that the rings were nowhere to be found. "I'm assuming you didn't manage to get rid of the demigods?"

"The group is too large. They all gathered at once. It's very inconvenient," Damon said bluntly while Kira gave a sigh.

"We faced the same problem. I'm terribly sorry."

"Stand up, Kira. Stop moping and do something about it. I need their rings to find what I want." Right at her command, the man stood up.

"How is your research going?" he asked her, keeping his polite attitude towards her.

"I'm certain it's in Japan. If the kamikas gathered in Tokyo, it must mean it's somewhere nearby. The rings I have won't collaborate much. I'm not progressing well. This is why if I can take this group's rings, I'm certain I can find it."

"So we had better keep trying." Damon stood up and headed to the table to refill his glass as well as serve another one for Karina. "Tell me, Kira. Do you think you can attack them again to gather more information?"

"I'll hire someone to do the work. I'm sure he can deal with them. There will be no need for you to study them to prepare something fancy," Kira assured him, not liking Damon approaching Karina while handling the wine.

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