A Ritual Of Betrayal

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"No, what is the meaning of this?" Yuko staggered at the sight of the portal in front of them. "Why did it open!?"

"Yuko?" Arika was angry with her tutor after all that had just happened, but still, if there was something Yuko didn't know or understand, it meant big trouble; the pained expression in her eyes was sincere.

"Are you telling me this fight wasn't necessary!?" Yuko gripped her short hair tightly. "It wasn't supposed to happen? Then why? Why did they fight on their own-!?" Her cry suddenly stopped. She released her head and looked down to her own hands. The red crystals? No, it can't be...

"Get a hold of yourself!" Jay said without pity. "If I understand it right, nothing is going according to your plan. So the door opening is just following the pattern."

"Jay, don't be so..." Ayame tried to intercede, hoping to settle this more gently. But Jay cut across her.

"Yuko was well aware of the consequences of her choices and she knows how to deal with them." Compared to all of them, Yuko was the strongest and oldest. The Tengu's demigod had been aware of the whole situation, and so far as Jay was concerned, she didn't deserve a drop of their pity. "Now is not the time to feel regret. We have to move on."

Lukas looked at Jay, concerned. "You're just interested to see Hemera's ring, aren't you?" The girl grinned at his question.

"Of course I am. A ring with a Goddess inside is something far beyond our knowledge – even for those of us who have access to Gods' powers. Besides, I doubt anyone here is not curious to know what is on the other side of that portal." No one really negated it. "We thought it would be the chest, the Pandora's Box, we were looking for... But this may be the next best thing. It's a way to fight Karina. We'll be one step closer to finishing this mission if we get our hands on that ring."

Coalt grinned. "Well, I never thought there would be a day we would agree on something," he said to the hot-headed Jay as he helped Ayame to her feet.

The silence of the rest of the group spoke louder than words; they also agreed they should proceed. It was their best chance at gaining an advantage over their powerful enemies.

"Yuko, let's get this over with." Even if Arika was resentful of Yuko, they were in too far to go back now, and the decision was already made.

The woman took a deep breath and picked herself up from the ground in silence. Her mind was still burning with thoughts and possibilities. She didn't want to believe her conclusions, but whether she was right or wrong, only on the other side of that portal would Yuko discover the truth behind all this confusion.

As the group moved toward the portal, Ayame heard a voice call out in her head: "Aya!"

"Kairi? Where are you?" Ayame thought back, using the psychic connection between the two.

"I'm sorry. I can't go with you. A demon like myself is not worthy of touching sacred grounds."

"Don't say something like that."

"It's the truth. I tried to follow the group inside the cave, but I couldn't continue. I'm sorry. I have been waiting and listening for you at the mouth of the cave. The power in this place won't allow me to go with you," Kairi apologized. She hated that she could only be a spectator while Ayame was in danger. "Please, be careful. I'll guard your camp while you're out."

"It's okay Kairi, we'll be fine. Thank you very much."

"Aya? Do you need some help?" Lukas asked the girl. She blinked until she remembered what she was doing. Talking telepathically with Kairi always required a lot of focus.

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