I'm Back Bitches

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DISCLAIMER: the first fiveish chapters of this book were written when I was 13 so they're pretty crappy. I in no way think being prettier/skinnier helps make life better. Everyone is great in their own ways. Again, I was 13.

Chapter 1. Nerd alert

******One year ago******

I bend down to pick up my books. I mumble cuss words under my breath at Kelen Matthews. The most popular boy in school. Even though we're only freshmen every girl wants him, and every guy wants to be him.

Now don't get me wrong, he's a total jackass, I mean him and his three best friends make fun of me, and all the other losers, everyday. But like every other girl in the world that meets him, I can't help but want him.

In my next class we were learning about scientific things. I don't know I wasn't paying attention because I got all my homework that was due this week done. I was to busy staring at Kelen and his girlfriend, Stacy. She had blonde hair to her shoulders, blue eyes, and I'm pretty sure she's anorexic. She was wearing short shorts that showed her butt and a really tight almost see through shirt. She was a sophomore this year. Kelen and her have been going out since the end of summer, which was half a month ago. I'm almost positive their relationship won't last. Actually I don't even know they have a relationship, their more like fuck buddies. Even though Kelen is only a freshmen.

Kelen has dark brown hair with dark green eyes. He's in really good shape and has a four pack that is turning into a six pack. At least that's what I've overheard people talking about.

Now me, I have brown hair to right under my chin. I have glasses on and a bow in my hair. I'm not skinny at all. In fact people call me fat at my school. I'm wearing a jean skirt that goes right below my knees, and a hello kitty t-shirt.

When the bell rings I'm still staring at Kelen. His eyes reach mine and we stare at eachother for a few seconds and I start to blush and look at the floor.

"Aw does little nerd have a crush on me?" He yells at me like he's talking to a baby. Everyone starts to laugh and I get up and run out of the room. I don't stop until I reach the door of the school. Schools not over yet, it's only 1 o'clock but I can't even take it anymore. I run out of the school all the way to my house, which is right next to it.

When I get inside I go to my room and jump onto my bed I instantly fall asleep. My parents wake me up for a family meeting in the living room. I'm an only child. I have a brother but we don't talk about him much. He went to the army so he could pay for college even though my father tried to make him stay. He really wanted to go to college so he could help take care of our family.

"Stephanie, I know you don't like school, but you can't just leave!" My dad yells at me. If only he understood.

"Dad I didn't mean too."

"How do you not mean to. You're getting out of control." If only he had knew what most people my age did.
"Stephie... We're sending you away." What?! What is my mom talking about.

"Like... You're throwing me out?"

"No never! It's like a camp. You'll leave tomorrow. Pack all your stuff because you'll be going for a year."

******present day******

I walk into my house. I can't believe it's already been a year. I was at this boot camp for beauty. It was pretty secretive but I have no idea why, they could make big bucks! It's like a place for plastics. Except my parents thought it was a boot camp for girls. It really just had a bunch of pretty girls that broke the rules there. I didn't fit in at all apparently. But the counselors took me away and actually made me pretty! I had to work out everyday so now I'm skinny. My acne is all gone, I still have no idea how. My hair has grown to the bottom of my back. They showed me how to put make up on like a professional, and they showed me how to dress and act. It was tons of work but it was so worth it.

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