I'm Back Bitches

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Recap-  Steph is got drunk and is crashing at Tyler (the ginger one)'s place.

Most people have woken up in the morning at a friends house with a rush of panic from not knowing were they are for a few seconds. 

That's me right now. Except I have a killer headache and the rush of panic isn't leaving after a few seconds. I really have no idea where I am.

The last thing I remember is drinking in the park with a group of strangers.

Looking around the room I find a clock on the wall that reads 7:00. Shit school. 

I quickly get up and start wandering around the house trying to find a way out. While doing so I run into a red headed boy. The same one from last night. Oh God, did I hook up with him?

A second wave of panic comes over me and I start rambling words in strange orders, "Oh, um, we? What? School. Now. Help. Exit?" 

"Woah- woah slow down. This way" He leads me toward a kitchen. "Usually I don't have guests so all we have is frootloops. Hope you're okay with that."

"Um, sure." I slowly sit down in my chair, calming down a bit.

We eat our frootloops in silence for a while till he states we need to go to school now. I probably should be more freaked out and demanding answers to some questions about last night but I can't focus on anything with the headache I have right now.

Him living only a one block away from the school was very convenient. We got there just as the bell rang signally to everyone to get to class. 

"See ya later." He waved before heading off down the hall.

I quickly made my way to homeroom before I could be counted absent. 

Too concentrated on remembering the people from last night's names I didn't notice Kelen glaring right at me as I walked into the room. 

He whispered something to his posse, Colan, Marcus, and Alec; then I saw them walking towards me.

"So is it true?" Colan whispers to me. 


"Is it true that your parents kicked you out because you're pregnant?"

My jaw dropped as I saw Kelen telling people the same rumor across the room.

"Are you being serious right now." I raised my eyebrow at them.

"Dead." Alec smirked. 

"Ok then yeah, I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with your baby. You're a dad congratulations and I'm assuming you're going to be supporting my choice to keep the baby. I was thinking a a water birth any suggestions." I retort.

I run across the room, bumping my shoulder against Alec's, toward Kelen. 

"Are you fucking serious right now. Why do you have the right to tell everybody something the ISN'T true." 

"Why do you have the right to come into my house expecting to support you and your unborn child then expecting us to have sex. You're such a slut Stephanie." 


I run out of homeroom.

Does he know? Or did he just assume that's what Steph is for. He couldn't of known.

Another bell rings signally the next class. I try to contain myself as students pour out of classrooms hurdling towards their next classes. 

"Hey Steph!" The skinny pale blonde girl from last night calls out. 

She runs up to me, then realizes I don't remember who she is and I'm obviously a mess. "It's Kaylee." She slightly smiles to comfort me. I'm headed to Science, I've seen you in that class with me, come on." 

She guides me down the hall and into the science classroom where I am once again greeted with Kelen telling a whole bunch of people that rumor. When he notices me he grins and everyone stares as I take my seat.

"What's their problem?" Kaylee whispers to me as the teacher starts lecturing about phenotypes and genotypes.

I just shake my head. I don't know how to answer that question. I feel like I don't know anything anymore. My whole life right now is a lie.

The tears well up in my eyes and this time I don't try and hold them back. Silently they slide down my face and I make no effort to wipe them off. 

Eventually another bell rings, then another. At lunch I was dragged by Kaylee to sit with the people I was with last night. They all greeted me kindly which was refreshing and reintroduced themselves. 

Talking with them throughout lunch made me regret my decisions. Why was I so set on revenge when I could've started over. I could've cut the poison known as Kelen out of my life for good. 

This group made me think maybe I still had another chance to start over. I could make some friends. 

Just as I thought this a blonde dude came over to me, "Listen, I know you're prego and all, but I'd kind of desperate and before you get fat I'd pay you $20 to come over and get freaky with me tonight." 

"EXCUSE ME?" Tyler yelled before I had time to react, "Who do you think you are? She is not some merchandise you can rent for the night." Then his 6'3 self stands up towering over the guy. 

After a few seconds of sizing Tyler up the guy decides he didn't want to get his ass kicked so he scoffs at him then walks away. I hide my face in my hands to hide my shame.

"Don't listen to them. Assholes." Andrew says.

I give him a small grateful smile.

"Do you have somewhere to sleep tonight?" He asks.

I hesitate 

"Well you do now," Tyler says, "my parents are still on their business trip." 


The rest of the day got a little better. Kelen didn't share any other classes with me thank God, and at least one person from last night was with me the rest of the day.

When the last bell rang signally the end of school I met Tyler in the hallway. "I have to go talk to a teacher, I'll meet you outside." He says quickly running down the hall.

Maybe tonight will be ok for the first time in, well, almost all my life. Tyler seems nice and it doesn't seem like we hooked up last night. We can throw in a movie,  or maybe go to the park aga--

My thoughts are interrupted when someone grabs my arm and whispers in my ear, "this doesn't even come close to what it'll be like if you tell anyone about me." 

I look to my side just as Kelen crashes an egg over my head and runs off laughing to his friends.

I don't even know if what I'm writing makes sense anymore... Oh well.

Twitter-- @signupangela  (i'm still trash, sorry)

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