I'm Back Bitches

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Previously- Kelen kicked Steph out of the house cause he's ashamed of being poor/kind of homeless and is afraid of Steph telling people.

Getting a taxi with no cellphone is no easy task. Especially if you're in a suburb a ways outside the city. The thought came to my mind that I have literally no where to go even if I got a taxi. Being an outraged teenager girl with boy issues I did what any other person would do, found the nearest park and sang Car Radio by TOP at the top of my lungs whilst swinging. 

Before that I had changed into black skinny jeans and jacket, which is a go to look when I want to be alone. This time, however, it seemed not to work because a small brown van pulls up to the park. When you glance at this vehicle you would guess it belongs to a soccer mom that has three kids and is also having an affair on her husband, but as I look through the window into the van I see a group of teenagers. Maybe they got kicked out of the boy who ruined their life's (not really his) house too. Doubtful.

Being the social person I am I try to hide under the slide to avoid conversation. I hear the teenagers laughter coming towards my area. "Boo" one of them say making me fall onto my ass. They all start laughing but I don't get the vibe that they're making fun of me. 

The person that scared me offers their hand. It turns out to to a boy with black hair and clothes a contrast to his unbelievably pale skin. The rest of the group- around five people- have a similar look, along with a mixture of boys and girls.

"Me at life." one of the girls say pointing me just laying on the ground contemplating whether to take the offered hand or not. I crack a small grin and take the hand, brushing the dirt of myself. 

"Who are you?" the boy asks. 

"Stephani-- I mean, I'm Steph." 

"Are you sure about that?" Another boy says raising their eyebrow. I don't reply.

"Well I'm Andrew," says the boy that help me up, "that's Kaylee," he points to a skinny pale blonde girl, "Tyler," a boy with red hair, "Hannah," a girl with black hair and a lip ring, "and Jake." he nods his head towards a Blonde boy texting on his phone. "I think you go to our school. You're the new girl, right?"

"Um, ya, I guess I'm new." I've never seen these people before, but then again, I wasn't exactly what you would call a social butterfly. "You guess?" Kaylee asks. 

Again, I don't reply. "Okayyyy, well we came here to get drunk, care to join us?" Andrew says, breaking the silence.

I've never been drunk before but if it helps make your thoughts go away I might as well, so I nod my head.

"Sweet!" Hannah says with a huge smile on her face bringing out a bottle of Captain Morgan from her bag.

After about two hours of drinking I was decently drunk, atleast, drunk enough to complain to these complete strangers about my problems. It started subtly, like saying how bipolar some peoples moods are, then I started saying names and talking about my parents. 

I'm guessing these people drink more often then me so they're probably able to hold their liquor, which is why talking about these things isn't a good idea. They're all going to remember them. Pretty soon I'll be spilling the secret of my old life. It doesn't help that they're all great listeners. Encouraging me to go on and never interrupting. It feels so good to let it all out.

"What time is it?" I finally ask.

"1:30 am" says Jake, still on his phone.

My eyes become big as I come to the realization that tomorrow is Monday. I stand up, not sure why because  I have nowhere to go but I just end up falling down anyways. They all laugh at me again but this time I join in.

"Why are you here, there's school." I say slurring my words with giggles.

"I could ask you the same thing." Andrew smugly replies.

"Touche" I say but the way I pronounce it is another word for ass, which, once again, makes everyone laugh. Once the laughter dies down I motion to Andrew to bring his ear to my mouth so I can whisper to him. "I got kicked out of a very bad persons house." I whisper(but in a yelling way so everyone still hears) 

"Why were you at their house if they're a bad person?" Tyler asks. 

I shrug my shoulders, "I thought they were less bad I guess." I smile to the ground for no reason then start petting the grass. 

"Guys, this girl needs some serious help." Andrew says looking around at the group. I cross my arms and pout, then start smiling again because pouting is such a negative emotion and I want to be happy while I still can. 

"She can crash at my place, my parents are on a business trip again." Tyler says, sighing. I decide to hug him, because what a better way to show appreciation. He apparently doesn't think so because he just shoves me off him. "She might want a little bit of sleep before school, judging by how she's acting she's gonna have a headache tomorrow." 

That's when we all walk, me skipping, to the soccer mom van and head off dropping everyone off until we get to Tyler's house. We walk inside while I'm complaining how I'm not tired and want to party/drink more. Tyler doesn't bother replying. I angrily plop down onto the couch, unwillingly, falling asleep within minutes.

since I'm complete desperate trash if you wanna follow me on twitter I mainly post Dan & Phil/ 5sos/ random stuff my user is 
@ signupangela,
you don't need to if you don't wanna though, just a suggestion because I think I can be funny at times.

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