I'm Back Bitches

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A\N hey guys! Um last chapter I found lots of mistakes. Like I used the name Victoria for half of it and I have no idea why.... But the main characters name is Stephanie and I fixed it so we all good now! Hope you like it please vote! :)

Chapter 2. Payback maybe

"Hey Stephie how was school?" My mother asked as I walked in the house.

"Good." I walked to my room. That reminds me... "Mom! I need to redo my room!"

"Sweetie you know we don't have money like that."

"Ugh!" I buried my face into my pillow.

Earlier today Kelen Matthews asked me if I could go to his house... He also said his parents were gone so we'd have the house to ourselves. For some reason I don't think we'd just "hang out and talk."

"Mom can I go somewhere tonight."

I didn't hear anything for a while.


"Oh um sorry. Ya go ahead."

I put on some blue Nike shorts and a black shirt that had PINK written in blue on the center. I straightened my hair some more and put on a bit of makeup. I put on my Nike socks and blue Nike tennis shoes. I like Nike ok.

I made my way downstairs.

"Mom what's wrong?" I saw her starring down at a piece of paper. She didn't answer.

"Mom." I yelled louder.

"Just go." She whispered.

"What is it."

"Go we'll talk when you get back."

"I don't have to go." I really didn't want to anyways...

"No go, I need to do something."

I walk out the door and get into the jeep. I already know where he lives but I had him write it on a piece of paper anyways.

I drive up to the gate of Kelen's house. No more like mansion. I'm greeted by a man standing by the gate. Woah people actually would do that.

"You must be Steph." The man said smiling.

"Uh ya I'm pretty sure I am." Thank god Kelen isn't here cause that was the stupidest thing I ever said. *facepalm*

He opens the gate for me and I drive up to the mansion. A boy steps outside. Kelen.

"Hey beautiful." He says smiling.

"Hey." I weakly smile.

"Something wrong?"


"Ok come on then." He grabs my wrist and pulls me in to the house. It was quite a breathtaking sight to see all that expensive stuff. I didn't want to touch anything because I was afraid I was going to break it.

He didn't let go of my wrist and kept dragging me up the marble staircase through the first door on the left into what I assumed was his room. Then he started to kiss me.

It took me a while to process what was happening. Kelen Matthews was kissing me. He started pulling my shirt off when the door opened.

"OH MY GOD JIMMY, GET THE FUCK OUT!" Kelen yelled at a boy that looked around eight.

"Sorry about that." He muttered.

"It's fine."

"Brothers are so fucking annoying. You have any?" He ask.

"Ya...." I trailed off. Brother... My mom...

"CRAP! Kelen I gotta go!"

"What why so soon we were just getting started?" He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Perv." I whisper. He must have heard me because his eyes widened really big. He said something but I ran out the door and down the marble staircase. I stumbled a little and my shoe on my right foot came off. I didn't stop to pick it up I just kept running to my jeep. To my jeep then sped all the way home.

"MOM! DAD!" I yelled as I got in the house. Tears were about ready to fall if my theory was right.

I found my parents in the tv room. My mom crying into my dads shoulder and my dad's eyes were red and puffy.

"Mom, dad." I whispered, "what's going on?"

"Spencer's dead Stephanie." My dad says sternly. My eyes widen. I ran to my room but didn't get there before the flood came from my eyes.

How could this happen! How could he let this happen. My older brother, he was suppose to be there for me! He was suppose to keep me safe! How could he do this to me. How could he leave me!

My brother is dead and I was at Kelen's about too... *shiver*.

Spencer was the only one who cared for me. He loved me more then my parents did. I loved him that much x2. When he left he told me when he got back he would take me on vacation somewhere. Just me and him. But now he's dead. I'll never have another sibling.

Sometime while I was crying I must have fell asleep because my dad woke me up to go to school.

"My brother just died. I'm not going to that hell."

"Language and yes you are!"

"YOU DON'T RUN MY LIFE I DO!" Ugh. I don't even care anymore.



"YOU KNOW WHAT! IT SHOULD'VE BEEN YOU! NOT SPENCER!" My dad stormed out of my room. Did he seriously just say that. I always knew he liked spencer better... But I can't believe he would say that to me.

I got dressed in black baggy sweatpants and a black tank tank top covered up my my love pink, pink sweatshirt. I threw on some normal black flip flops, straightened my hair and left. I can't stand that house anymore.


I slammed my locker shut.

"What's your deal?" Kelen asked. He's been annoying me for an hour now. He's getting on my nerves. He's a selfish little manwhore that wants to get in my pants.

"Just shut up Kelen my god!" I walked away but he just followed me.

I turned on my heels. "What's your problem!" I yelled at him and got some stares from people in the hall.

I sped walked to my next class not letting him answer. This time he didn't follow me thank god!


Time for science. Great I have this class with Kelen aka manwhore. I've avoided him all day but he sits right next to me.

I took my seat in the back. I saw Kelen walk in. He looked at me and looked at a kid in the front row. I think he threatened him because the kid came and sat by me.

I pulled my hood over my head not wanting to be noticed. It's kinda hard in a pink sweatshirt though. My science teacher Mr. Johnson handed out a packet that was due by the end of the week. I could probably get it done in this class.

"Damn." I whispered under my breath. I got up to go sharpen my pencil that just broke. I got closer and closer to the front where Kelen sat. "Oomph." I hit the ground. Everyone erupted into laughter. I looked up at Kelen. That douche tripped me! I got up like nothing happened and sharpened my pencil.

"Shh." Mr. Johnson said.

I looked at Kelen. He starred at me with a devious smile.

Alright Kelen. If that's the way you wanna play. Let the games begin.

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